“I was just trying to be nice and really, I was more concerned about the number of cinnamon rolls in my kitchen. Besides, it’s not like her tits were going to turn me on anyway. They’re Ella’s tits. She’s not some smoking hot puck bunny. She’s just Ella.”
Smiles fade on the faces around me and the energy in the room shifts. A few of the guys sit back in their chairs, trying to look anywhere but at me or Ella who has stopped writing in her notebook; her head bowed as she silently nods to herself. It feels like all the air has been sucked out of the room. I toss a glance to Griffin who winces and whispers, “Dude…”
I don’t understand.
What just happened?
I turn my glance at my best friend assuming she’ll back me up but her smile is gone too.
She doesn’t make eye contact at all.
What did I say?
They’re Ella’s tits. She’s not some smoking hot puck bunny. She’s just Ella.
“Ella that’s not what?—”
“You know, on second thought, I’m getting pretty tired,” she says in a pained mumble. She finally lifts her head and I swear to God my heart tumbles into my stomach. It’s like I’ve been sucker punched in the gut. Her red-rimmed eyes glance quickly around the room. She tries to smile and I know without a doubt she’s trying as hard as she can to not cry.
Fucking fuck!
Her voice trembles slightly, giving her away. “It’s been a long day and if you guys don’t mind, I think I’ll just uh…” I watch a tear slip down her cheek.
Fuck fucking fuck!
I start to get up from the couch to get to her but she springs up from the floor, stepping away before I can get there. “It was nice meeting you guys. If you’ll excuse me.”
“Ella, wait!”
Griffin nudges my leg and when I look down at him he’s shaking his head. I watch in shock as my best friend retreats to her room and shuts the door and then I take a step to go after her but he stops me. “Let her go.”
“She needs a minute, August.”
“But I didn’t mean it the way it came out.”
Bear frowns. “Yeah, but that’s how it came out.”
Thank you, Bear, for stating the obvious.
Plopping back down on the couch, I lean on my knees and hold my head in my hands. “What the fuck have I done?”
Ledger pats me on the back. “Well son, you basically told her that her tits aren’t pretty and she’s not nearly as attractive as the nameless women you fuck on the daily because she’s just…Ella.”
“But I meant?—”
“Doesn’t matter what you mean, August,” Oliver explains softly. “It’s what you said and the way you said it.”
“Yeah, man.” Griffin nods. “We know what you meant. But she one hundred percent didn’t hear it that way.”
“Fuuuuuck. What am I supposed to do now?”