Page 27 of What if I Told You

It’s just money.

Easy for him to say.

I suppose he’s right though.

I wouldn’t want his reputation to go down the drain over a tip in a diner.

He really is a good guy.

“You know what you need, August?”

He chuckles as he opens his car door for me. “No, but I’m certain you’re going to tell me.”

“Yeah I am. Because what you need is a steady girlfriend to spend your money on.”

Closing his door and clicking his seatbelt he laughs softly again. “How about I just spend all my money on you?”

“Me? No, no, no. I’ll make my own money thank you very much. I just mean you’ve had a bunch of hookups here and there with all the women you’ve…well, you know.”

Let’s not think about the number of women Auggie has slept with.

That’s a rabbit hole of depression waiting to happen.

“But maybe what you need is a real woman in your life. Like a solid relationship. Maybe I need to help find you a girl you can fall head over heels for. Then you’ll have something and someone to spend your money on.”

As he pulls out into traffic he nods and then casts a quick glance my way.

Damn if he doesn’t look hot in those sunglasses.

“And you think you’re the perfect person to help me with that?”

“Yeah of course.” I shrug. “Duh. I know you better than any woman. Well…I mean, I haven’t seen those assless chaps you talked about a while back so if you want to pull those out for me…”

“I do not.”


I tried.

“Ugh. Okay. No chaps. And so, maybe I don’t know you like…you know, biblically and all that, but I know your brain and I know your heart. Who could be better at finding you a girlfriend than me, your best friend?”



Ella talked about finding me a serious girlfriend the whole way home and wouldn’t take no for an answer. I have a feeling I’m in for an extremely uncomfortable night if Ella has anything to do with it. I know this girl and when she puts her mind into something, she doesn’t relent. At least I got her to understand how important it is to not create an online profile for me. Fuck, that would quickly become a feeding frenzy for the tabloids.

“This is so exciting.” Ella claps as we ride the elevator to our floor. “I’ll get my notebook and we can spend the whole evening creating you a lover girl list.”

I lift my brow. “A what?”

“A lover girl list. You know, a list of all the qualities you find attractive in a woman and some of your biggest turn-offs.”


“Did I agree to this?”

She bumps me with her hip and chuckles. “Yep. It’s complimentary because we’re roommates.”