This is sleek!
I run my hands over the leather steering wheel and across the dashboard.
And makes me feel sexy as fuck!
Speaking of sex…I wonder what that feels like in a car like this.
Ew. What if he’s…
Has he…
No…he wouldn’t…
But then again…
“Nope. Can’t do it,” I mumble to myself as I step out of his stunningly sexy car trying hard not to envision my best friend inside with another woman.
It shouldn’t matter, and it doesn’t really, but even the thought that he may have driven some woman he barely knew to a random fuck pad or hotel, or hell, even on a date, suddenly gives me the ick. And even worse, what if he made out with someone in here? What if some nasty ass puck bunny used him and the adrenaline rush that comes after a game? What if she took advantage of his fame and fortune for nothing more than a romp in the sheets?
What if I punch her face in for using my best friend or for…for…
“Too far, Ella. Calm your tits.” I stand beside Auggie’s beautiful new car and take a deep steadying breath.
“It’s okay. Too many bells and whistles anyway and besides, I don’t even know where I’m going.” Shutting the door behind me, I click the remote to lock the car and then pull out my phone to order a quick Uber.
It was nice of him to offer but no way in hell am I going to be the one who wrecks his car on the way to a job interview that won’t even pay me enough to afford a replacement vehicle in the first place.
“Thanks, but no thanks, Auggie.”
Okay, three things: 1. It’s been hours since I’ve heard from you. 2. Are you out moping somewhere because you didn’t get the job because so help me I will wring someone’s neck if that’s the case and 3. You didn’t take my car? It’s still parked downstairs. WTF? Are you ok? Did you walk to the interview because if you walked you’re probably only just getting there which means you’re really late which means you missed your interview and didn’t get the job and now I’m worried about you. Please tell me where you are and I’ll come get you.
Dude! You got the car! You got the car of your dreams and didn’t TELL ME! What the fuck is up with that?
Uh…yeah about that. I’m sorry. I got it that day you had an injured cheerleader who ended up in surgery. It didn’t feel like the right time to bring it up and I didn’t want to brag. I guess I forgot I hadn’t told you after that.
But what the fuck is the car still doing in the garage? You were supposed to take it this morning!
Psh Not a chance. I was not going to be that person who messed up your brand-new car. Plus, it had too many bells and whistles anyway. It made me nervous.
Babe, I would’ve driven you. You should’ve told me. Where the heck are you now? What about the job? Are you okay?