Page 111 of What if I Told You

I toss down another shot of tequila and gesture for another.

“You sure, August?”

I don’t even have to use my words to answer the man behind the bar. I merely raise my eyes from my glass to his face and he nods in response, filling my shot glass to the brim.

“Rough night?” a voice says next to me.

A voice of the female variety.

“You could say that.”

“Me too,” she says. Not that I care at all. I don’t even glance her way.

“Did your girlfriend betray you too?” I ask her.

She tosses back her drink and then lands her shot glass on the bar. “I walked into my house after a late work meeting to find my husband’s dick deep down another woman’s throat in the middle of my living room.”


I almost laugh.


“Yep,” she says. “She was definitely sucking. Looked like she was sucking his brains out right through his cock.”

“Why do the good people in the world get treated like shit?” I ask aloud. “Why do the bad things never happen to the bad people?”

“God, if I had the answer to that question…I’ve asked myself the same thing more times than I can count.”

Tossing back my filled glass, I finally turn my head to look at the woman talking to me. Mahogany brown hair. Oval face. Blue eyes. A little too much lipstick but otherwise she’s mildly pretty and doesn’t smell like cheap perfume.

She doesn’t smell like anything at all.

“I would’ve taken care of her, you know?” I blurt out, slurring my speech a little. “I would’ve given her the goddamn world but she decided to sleep with…”

The woman lays her hand on my knee and gives me a sympathetic glance. “Who did she sleep with? You brother?”

“No. I don’t have a brother. She picked the one man she knew would hurt me the most.”

“I’m sorry she did that to you.”

I shrug. “Her choice. I’m done.”

“Yeah. I know that feeling.” She slides her hand a little farther up my thigh and I jump out of my seat.

“I gotta take a piss.”

I climb off my stool and stumble my way to the bathroom and when I come out, the woman I was talking to is waiting for me in the hallway. She corners me and smooths her hands down my chest.

And I don’t hate it.

“You want to get out of here? With me?” she boldly asks, placing a kiss on my cheek.

When I don’t push her away she moves in and kisses my lips. She tastes of tequila, but maybe I’m just tasting myself as my tongue sweeps through her mouth. Having no thoughts or cares about anything might be just what I need tonight. I have a woman who clearly just wants to get fucked and if I’m being honest with myself, I wouldn’t mind getting lost in a wet and willing pussy for the rest of the night. This is how I lived my life before Ella came to town. No reason now why I can’t go back to that. I take her by the hand and tell her, “My car is out back.”

She smiles and nods and I start to lead us to the door.

“Hey Blackstone?” It’s a voice I think I recognize, but when I turn to see who’s talking to me all I see is a fist before my world goes black.