I stare at him incredulously and he merely shrugs in response with an annoyed laugh. “We need you in the game. And the next game. Don’t go getting yourself ejected because of some stupid fan. The game’s almost over anyway then he’ll be out of your hair.”
“Just one good hit. Come on,” I whine.
“Sorry, son.” Ledger smiles. “Take it out on the punching bag in the gym later.”
I’d really like to take it out on that heckler’s face.
“Going to Jay’s after the game?”
“I imagine so,” I tell him with a nod. “Unless Ella’s not up for it, but otherwise count us in.”
“That’s the spirit.” He stands and throws his leg over the wall. “Let’s go kick some Gator ass.”
We’re about to retake the ice when the same heckling fan shouts at me one more time. “Hey Blackstone! You finally got your sweet little pussy to this side of the country, huh?”
My brows furrow and my body stiffens at the mention of my girl being on this side of the country.
“Are you just fucking her or are you fucking her over like you did me?”
My veins turn ice cold as my body freezes. I squeeze my eyes closed and try to take a calming breath and then I bravely turn around only for my eyes to land on the one person I never wanted to have to see again.
Jeff Furbling.
“Don’t,” Ledger says to me, trying to get me to refocus my energy. “Leave it on the ice August. He’s a nobody. And he’s just trying to get under your skin.”
“Yeah well, he fucking succeeded. And he’s not a nobody.”
“Who is he?”
Jeff stands up and cups his hands around his mouth so he knows I’ll hear what he has to say. “You might have her now, Blackstone, but I had her first! And she was a fucking good time!”
“You mother fucking son of a bitch!” I scream, stepping to the far side of the bench and lifting my leg to stand up on it. Whatever I have to do to get to this mother fucker. “Just wait till I?—”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” I’m pulled off the bench as I watch Furbling lick his lips and wave back at me. “Stop! Stop! Just stop, Blackstone. Take a fucking deep breath.”
“Don’t tell me what the fuck to?—”
I finally catch sight of who’s talking to me and notice it’s Coach Hicks, but I’m so fucking pissed off I can’t even see straight right now.
“I’m sorry, Coach. But?—”
“But what? You think you’re going to climb this glass and fuck that guy up?” he shouts at me.
I huff, my cheeks red with anger as my blood heats throughout my body. “If you give me the fucking chance, yeah!”
“Who the hell is that guy? Do you know him?”
“Yeah.” I huff out a breath again and finally say, “It’s Jeff Furbling.”
Coach’s brow furrows as he repeats the name. “Jeff…Furbling. Furbling…why do I know that name?”
“Because he played for the Gators in his rookie year, sir. When I was playing for North Carolina. But he got checked during a game and I was in that game and I was the last person to run into him. I gave him the crushing blow that ended his career. It was a fucking accident but he hasn’t let it go and I get it but what the FUCK am I supposed to do about it now?”
Coach stares at me for a moment, and seeing the frustration and irritation in my whole self asks, “Do you need out, Blackstone? Done for the night?”
“What?” I ask, almost pissed off that he would even offer me the chance to run away.
Like that’s happening.