She’s adorable as fuck out there.
“That’s fantastic Ella,” Marlee tells her with an amused chuckle. “You make those moves look way too easy in that costume.”
Ella doesn’t say anything in response, but she does twirl on the ice and then gives Marlee a high five.
Marlee smiles from ear to ear. “I think we got the shots we need. We’ll put this out on social media within the hour. With any luck, the crowd tonight will eat this up.”
My chest swells with pride as I stand here quietly observing her from the shadows. She looks great and seems like she’s really in her element. Not that any of this should surprise me. Ella was made for a job like this. She knows how to work a crowd and I have no doubt that’s exactly what she’ll do tonight.
Looking down at the two cinnamon rolls in my hand, Ella’s nervous habit of choice, I decide leaving them in her dressing room might be a better idea than waiting for her here in case she’s not done. I wouldn’t want to embarrass her in front of her new colleagues and plus this way, I can leave them with a quick note for luck.
Perhaps the gesture will be that first something to stick with her.
Something to show her I’m thinking of her even when I’m not with her.
I take a deep breath and head for her dressing room.
Here goes nothing.
“That’s fantastic Ella,” Marlee says with a smile. “You make those moves look way too easy in that costume.”
I don’t reply because mascots don’t talk. Staying in character, I twirl myself around on the ice and then give Marlee a high five.
“And seriously, this new costume is adorable if I do say so myself,” she says. “It’s the yellow fur and the star tail. It all just looks so stinking cute.” She shakes her head in wonderment as I skate around on the ice chasing my own tail.
“Come on goofball, I’ll walk with you to your dressing room.”
Marlee and I walk ourselves carefully off the ice and down into the tunnels. I finally take off the head of my costume, unable to contain the smile on my face.
“Oh my gosh, that was so much fun!”
Marlee laughs. “Girl, you seem like you were made for this. How you can move that way in a costume like that is beyond me. Oooh…” She grabs onto my fur-covered arm. “And just wait until we do the formal welcome of Lumin to the team and give you your very own hockey stick. I got a look at it last night and it is so cool!”
Her enthusiasm brings a smile to my face. “Can’t wait!”
“Alright, if you don’t need anything else for right now, I’ve got to run back upstairs to handle a few other schedule issues with some of the players.”
“Yeah sure, no problem,” I tell her, waving. “I’ll catch you later.”
Marlee walks on down the hall and when I turn into my dressing room, a recognizable scent fills my nose as I step inside. Immediately a huge smile spreads across my face because I know only one person could have possibly left this gift for me and that person is August Blackstone.
“No, he didn’t…”
I find the source of the yummy, sweet scent on the counter to my left. Making quick work of my costume, I pull my gloves off dropping them to the floor and then peer into the bag spotting not one, but two boxes of cinnamon rolls.
“Oh, yes, he did.”
Attached to the bag is a note that I unequivocally recognize as August’s handwriting.
For you on your special day.
I’m so fucking proud of you and can’t wait to watch you shine.