Like my life is complete.
Like I have someone to really share life with.
“Why do you ask?”
“Because I heard Marlee Remington talking to one of the other ladies in the front office about how Stockler is moving and they’re thinking this might be an opportunity to retire Astro and come up with a whole new mascot.”
All of us turn our heads toward Barrett, our jaws dropped in shock.
“Kingston Stockler? As in our team mascot?”
He nods. “Yeah. His wife got a promotion at work which means they’re moving to Seattle. He’s going with her to help with the kids. He’s always said his family comes first.”
“You think Ella should apply to be the team’s mascot?” I ask him, but he merely shrugs.
“I’m not saying yes and I’m not saying no because I don’t know who the fuck Ella is except that she appears to be some imaginary friend you supposedly talk to every Tuesday night. But if you’re as close as you say you are, you might want her to be out here and her background sounds like she might have the right experience. I guess you would have to talk to the front office.”
My thoughts start to run with the idea of Ella applying to be the team’s mascot.
Would she want that?
Could she do it?
Of course she could do it.
She would be great at it.
And she’d probably love every minute of it.
“So, they’re replacing Kingston?”
“I imagine they will, yeah.” Barrett nods. “There’s nobody else that does his job.”
Oliver places his hand on my shoulder. “Do you think your girl would want to give it a go?”
“She’s not my girl, and anyway…” I turn back in my seat. “I seriously doubt it. That would mean a huge move for her. Not sure that’s really something she wants. She seems happy where she is.”
“So, then Timmy Randulph, remember him from high school? I mean he’s fully grown now obviously and has a wife and two kids, but anyway, he pulled his pants down right there in the middle of the drive-in and gave us all a good look at his full moon, and Auggie,” I pause to finally take a breath. “The man has the whitest ass I think I have ever seen.”
“How did we get on to the subject of Timmy Randulph and his white ass again?”
I scoff. “August Blackstone are you even paying attention to me?”
“What if I told you I wasn’t?”
“Wouldn’t be the first time,” I respond with a quick roll of my eyes. “What if I told you this facetime call is over?”
He gives me a smile and a quick wink because he knows I hate it when he’s not paying attention to me. I only get to talk to him once a week so I really value our time together.
“I’m just kidding Montgomery. Don’t get your panties in a twist. Timmy Randulph has a white ass. Noted. Also, because of that statement, I’m now making myself an appointment to have my ass spray tanned.”
I laugh at his retort. God, I love that he can always make me laugh. I love that we laugh a lot when we’re together like this. It’s like no matter what’s going on in life, our Tuesday nights are always a happy night.
A night of hometown comfort.