Page 39 of What if I Told You

Any other woman lying next to me and looking that amazing would’ve been on her back with her legs open wide for me in a matter of seconds, but this wasn’t just any other sexy woman. It was Ella.

My roommate.

My best friend.

She’s like forbidden fruit and although I slept amazingly well knowing she was in my arms right next to me, not allowing my hands to roam might be on the list of one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.

Grateful to have woken up before her this morning I jumped into an extremely cold shower to help calm me down from the three vivid dreams I had, each of which included Ella Montgomery in some kind of sexual position somewhere in my room.

Bent over my bed with her beautifully silky ass in the air.

Lying on my duvet with her arms above her head, her back arched, calling out my name.

On her knees with my stiff cock between her lips.

Yeah, it was like that.

And I don’t think I’ve ever woken up with a morning wood as hard as I did this morning. It took all of ten seconds under the warm water before I was exploding onto the shower floor silently screaming her name, then I punished myself with the coldest water I could physically withstand.

I’m a hypocritical asshole.

I dissed my best friend in front of my teammates and then spent the night holding her and wondering what it might feel like to be eight inches deep inside her.

Alright, alright. Seven inches.

Six and a fucking half. Alright? I’m no sex God and we can’t all be Barrett Cunningham.

“How about that earthquake last night, huh?” Griffin gives me a wide-eyed nod as he slips on a clean pair of pajama pants—these ones blue with hockey sticks all over them—and t-shirt after a quick shower.

“Yeah. Definitely couldn’t sleep through it,” I answer. “That’s for sure.”

“How’d Ella do? Was that her first quake?”

“And what happened after we left, by the way?” Ledger adds, stepping back into his tennis shoes.

I’m quick to say, “Nothing…happened.”

Ledger eyes Griffin who glances at me and then back to him. “Do you believe nothing happened Ollenberg?”

Griffin shakes his head with a laugh. “Not in the slightest.” He points at me, his eyes narrowed. “I know you, man. And you’re different when it comes to that chick. So, you may as well spit it out and tell us what’s going on with you two because she’s in the building today.”


His brows raise and he passes an ornery grin. “Sooo, if what you say is true and nothing happened…or is happening…you won’t mind if I ask her out because she is hot as fuck and if you don’t want to look at her, I will.” He pushes the door to his locker closed and takes a step toward the door. My body reacts of its own accord, my arm stretching out and my palm resting against his chest.

“Over my dead body.”

Griffin jumps back with a wild smile, pointing at me now with both hands. “A ha! I KNEW IT!”

“What did we know?” Harrison asks when he comes around the corner after his shower.

“Blackstone’s got the hots for his roommate.”

Harrison doesn’t even have to look at me before he snorts a laugh. “Shocker.”

“Well after last night, it was definitely not a shock,” Griffin explains happily. “I just needed to get him to say it.”

“I still haven’t said it,” I manage to say with a straight face, but Griffin isn’t buying it. He stares at me, his eyes narrowing again, and he cocks his head as if he’s trying to read my expression that I’m trying extremely hard to keep neutral. Knowing exactly what he’s doing, he crosses his arms in front of his chest and nods to me, never once looking away.