Page 38 of What if I Told You

It is, right?

It has to be.

Oh, my God. Is he?

I shuffle slightly against him, like I’m trying to make myself comfortable and I don’t miss the sudden inhale of his breath from behind me.



“Keep that up and this sleepover will get very awkward very fast.”

It’s my turn to giggle. “Well, why is it poking me in the first place?”

His hand palms my stomach as he pulls me against him and though he can’t see my face, my eyes bulge and my cheeks heat.

This is sooo not the way two friends fall asleep.

“Because for the first time ever, there’s a girl in my bed,” he explains. “And not just any girl but a fucking hot as hell one with tits any man would be lucky to get the chance to handle, so please excuse my dick if this knowledge excites him just a little bit. Give him a few minutes and he’ll calm down, I promise.”

Hearing August’s surprising words sends a jolt of lust through my body that I have no choice but to ignore because doing anything other than ignoring it would mean crossing a line neither one of us is prepared to cross. Instead, I slowly inhale a deep breath and release it with an open mouth, biting down on my lower lip and trying hard not to smile.

“Good night, Auggie.”

He nuzzles me from behind, his voice low and sleepy. “Night, El.”



After a double dose of caffeine and a solid workout on the ice this morning, I’m finally feeling a little more like myself. I may have missed a few easy shots but I feel like I can finally get my head straight for tonight’s opening game and be a productive member of the team. Damn good thing too, because after all the incredibly inappropriate thoughts I was having last night as I fell asleep with Ella in my arms, I woke up worried I wouldn’t be able to get my mind off her.

Who am I kidding?

I haven’t stopped thinking about her at all.

As if waking up in a panic hearing her scream during the earthquake wasn’t bad enough, I offered to share my bed with her only to realize she was dressed like a goddamn walking wet dream.


The way that dark purple lacey top molded to her tits, pushing them up just enough to allow my imagination to run wild. And the satiny bottoms that left me wondering how much I would see if she were to have bent over and touched her toes.

Fuck me.

I was wrong when I said what I said to the guys last night.

Dead fucking wrong.

She’s not just Ella.

And her tits are not at all unattractive.

Just the opposite.

My best friend is sexy as hell.

And I’m finding myself desperately attracted to her.