Page 31 of What if I Told You

“Alright, gentlemen, let’s dive into this list, shall we? Describe for me the type of girl Auggie seems to find the most attractive.”

“Oh, that’s easy,” Oliver says, crossing his arms. “He likes blondes.”

I huff a quiet laugh but Griffin shakes his head and speaks up. “No, I don’t think so.”

“Of course he does.” Oliver smiles. “Remember the last two girls he fu?—”

“Nah, I’m pretty sure he really prefers brunettes,” Ledger argues on my behalf.

Ella peers up at me, pen at the ready. “Well, which is it, Auggie? Blondes or brunettes?”

Oliver is right. Up until now I’ve always gone for the blondes. The last four or five women I’ve fucked after a game were all blondes. Box blondes or not, they were still blonde, but now…

I study Ella’s soft brown hair for a minute. What was hanging down in a cute but messy bedhead this morning is now tied up in a messy bun on the top of her head. Still just as beautiful either way she wears it. “Definitely brunettes.” I swallow the lump in my throat as I watch her take notes.

I feel the guys look my way but I ignore them and remain focused on Ella.

“Okay,” she says, finishing whatever it is she was writing. “How about size? Tall? Short? Skinny? Curvy?”

I twist my mouth as if I’m thinking about it, but Griffin beats me to an answer. “Ella can you stand up for a minute? I need something to compare to.”

“Sure.” She stands and holds her hands out like she’s on display and Griffin nods. “Yeah. Probably someone built kind of like you. Not too tall but not too short. Curves in all the right places. Not too much of a skinny rail.”

Ella wouldn’t be a skinny rail at all.

She’d be a perfect rail.

Fuck, I can’t believe I just thought about railing my roommate.

Blackstone, what is wrong with you?

“Perfect.” She scribbles a few more things on her notepad.

“He likes tits over ass,” Bear mumbles.

“Oh, he does?” Ella asks even though I know she already knows this about me. We may not have always talked about every detail of our sexual experiences during our Tuesday night chats, but she knows enough about my preferences to know I appreciate a nice pair of tits.

Like the way hers looked in that black lace bra she was wearing this morning.

“Mhmm.” Bear nods. “If you’ve got tits, I can guarantee you he’s looked at ’em.”

“And so has every last one of you in here,” I add in my defense.

“To be fair,” Ella says, “he didn’t want to look at mine this morning.”

Harrison nearly spits out the beer I gave him earlier. “I’m sorry, WHAT?”

Griffin turns his head toward me. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“What?” I ask, eyes bulging.

“Dude,” he gestures to Ella seated on the floor, “a beautiful girl shows you her tits and you refuse to look at them?” He holds his wrist up to my forehead. “Are you ill? Or just plain stupid?”

I flail my arm in her direction. “She…she waltzed into the kitchen this morning with no clothes on. I was trying to be a fucking gentleman!”

“I was nervous as hell and needed your help Auggie!” Ella explains.

Ledger scoffs beside me. “Yeah, Auggie, the fucking hot girl with no clothes on needed your help.” He slaps me upside the head. “What were you thinking?”