“Then what’s the problem?” Milo asks, coming around the coffee table and plopping down next to his wife.
“Hell, I don’t know.” I drag my hand through my hair. “No, that’s a lie. I do know. It’s not that she’s married because she’s not. But she was just left at the altar a couple of weeks ago. Like, when I met her yesterday, she was literally wearing her wedding dress.”
Charlee eyes me curiously. “Uh, why?”
“Oh, we went to the big Once Upon a Halloween Night party together last night and she wanted to go as a jilted bride and trash her dress.”
“Oooh, I’ve always wanted to do that.”
Milo turns to Charlee. “Excuse me?”
“Sorry,” she laughs. “I mean I always thought it was a cool idea and if I had had a dress from Jared—thank God we never married—I would’ve wanted to do something like that.” She wraps a loving hand around Milo’s arm. “Don’t worry babe. You’re stuck with me.”
“So yeah, anyway, we’ve known each other for twenty-four hours. I certainly wasn’t going to profess my love for her and ask her to commit to a relationship when she hasn’t had enough time to grieve the relationship she just got out of.”
Charlee cocks her head. “Did she tell you she was still grieving this other relationship?”
“No. But she did cry a little while we were laying in the cemetery.”
“What?” She shakes her head, confusion etched on her face. “Why were you—”
“Don’t ask. Long story. And it was a beautiful moment.”
“Okay well, what I’m trying to say is, you don’t get to choose how long she needs between relationships. That’s for her to decide. For all you know you’re the perfect one for her because this other guy clearly wasn’t and if that’s the case, why wait another minute? You’re not children being forced to wait, you know. When it’s right, it’s right.”
“Okay, well, it’s a little late now. She’s there and I’m here.”
“Dude, if you want her enough, you’ll figure out a way,” Milo says, wrapping an arm around my sister. Of all the hockey players I know who could’ve been a great partner for my sister, I really am glad she found Milo Landric. He’s a great guy with a solid head on his shoulders. There’s never a doubt that he’s head over heels in love with her, and that’s what Charlee deserves. Especially after the hell she’s been through. “It’s never too late. Make it special. Do something unique for her that shows you how much you like her.”
Charlee narrows her eyes and turns to her husband. “Is that what you did for me?”
“Uh, yeah. Of course.”
She folds her arms over her pregnant stomach. “Like what?”
“I read to you, Goldilocks. And we uh, you know, we did yoga.”
He winks at her, and she cracks up laughing. “Alright, I guess I can give you that.”
“Also, I beat the hell out of your asshole ex on the ice. Best game I ever played.”
“Even after winning the Cup?” she asks him.
He kisses her sweetly. “Absofuckinlutely. The fucker got what he deserved.”
Conversations Scarlett and I had yesterday start spinning through my head. Of her hopes and dreams and all the things that drew me to her.
Can I really do this?
Can I pull it off?
Will she go for it?
It would be amazing to see her again.
To take her on a proper date.
To spend time together in our own homes and familiar places.