I press the button to end my call and immediately open my social media accounts. To my shock and surprise, my name is trending.
“What the…”
As I scroll through posts, I come across Oliver’s account and click to open his profile. My face heats and my heart melts at the numerous pictures he’s posted of me from last night, memories of us I never knew he was catching, along with the couple of selfies we took together.
The caption in his post reads:
To my newest crush. I think Rowena was right. About everything. Do you believe?
“Holy shit!” I scream a little louder than appropriate in a hotel room but I don’t care.
I scroll through each of the pictures and read the hundreds of posts from fans of mine and of Oliver’s wishing us the absolute best and hoping his post means what they think it means.
God, I hope he means it too.
As I’m reading through more comments, a message comes up in my direct messages so I click on it.
Charlee Landric:Hi Scarlett. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Charlee. Charlee Magallan Landric. I am Oliver’s younger sister. I know, I know, if he knew I was writing to you right now, he would never forgive me for butting into his relationships, but holy shit once I saw his social media post, how could I not? *smiley emoji* Giiiirl, he’s crazy about you!! *heart emoji* He spent the night with Milo and I last night and was telling us all about you and how he didn’t want to leave you and he felt terrible about it. And he was all sad and boo-hoo because this man is in luuurve! And maybe this is just mebeing the super romantic type because I edit romance books for a living or maybe it’s that I’m very pregnant which means very hormonal but I need to know your feelings on all of this because if there’s a chance his feelings are reciprocated, then I have to get you here to surprise him! I may be married to a Chicago Red Tails player, but oh, my God, if my brother goes on the ice like the depressed sad sap he was today, beating their asses at tomorrow’s game will be all too easy and I don’t want him to have to deal with that blowback on his performance because you know, he’s my brother and I love him. Soooo….girl talk?
Me:OH MY GOSH! I can’t believe you just wrote me and fuck YES!!! GIRL TALK!!!
Charlee Landric:Perfect! Send me your number and I’ll call you!
Chapter 10
“No way is Joe the best one,” August argues. “Everyone knows it’s Kevin.”
“But Joe was married to Sophie Turner, Harrison states. “The girl fromGame of Thronesand she’s hot as fuck.”
“Ah didn’t know you were a sucker for red-heads, Harrison.” I laugh. “Besides, Kevin is married to a nice girl who isn’t in the media all the time. They probably have a nice quiet life together. It’s the perfect situation.”
“Bullshit.” Griffin huffs wrapping his stick while still in his rubber duckie pajama pants. Seriously, he’s the only man I know who can pull off wearing the world’s wackiest pajama pants any time of day. “Kevin’s a softie. Nick Jonas is the sexiest of them all and he has the best voice hands down.” He finishes the wrap on his stick and leans it up against his locker, then stands with his hands on his hips. “Any other debates we need to have before we kick ass tonight?”
Ledger tosses out, “Back Street Boys or NSYNC, Griff?”
Griff huffs. “Uh, I’ll take Justin Timberlake on his own for one thousand, Alex.”
“Aaaaand who’s your favorite Golden Girl, again?” I ask, knowing exactly what he’ll say.
He places his hand over his heart. “Listen, my girl Rose will always have my heart. She’s so fucking sweet and her life in St. Olaf was clearly filled with educational adventures, but Dorothy was given all the best sarcastic comments. I’ve got to give props to her.”
Everyone has a soft spot for Rose.
“Hey, Magallan, I forgot to ask,” Ledger says, lifting his chin my direction. “How’d it go with Scarlett? Did you guys hit it off?”
Oh yeah. We hit it off, and we got off.
“Uh, yeah, actually. We had a fun time.” I busy myself with my skate laces so they can’t see the blush on my face.
“Did you get laid?” Griffin teases.
Ledger smacks his arm. “Hey, that’s my cousin you’re talking about.”
Griffin shrugs with a smirk. “You don’t hear him sayin’ no, do you?”