I nearly choked on my next breath. “Sit down. Get cozy.” I fixed up the recliner near the couch for her and then draped a faux fur blanket over her legs. After tucking the sides underneath her knees, I reclined on the couch. “Go on.”
Robyn poised her hand on my thigh. The warmth from her palm bled through the fabric of my jeans and reminded me that she was at my side.
Faye folded her hands one over the other, focusing on them with a blank stare. “I was in my bed at home. A shadow came through the window and materialized next to me as Jillian. She said her name.”
Robyn gripped my thigh. “What is it?”
“Urkod,” Faye replied nervously. “She said she wants my next baby.”
I gaped at my sister as I shuddered. “Why?”
“I don’t know, but now I’m worried.”
“Like we weren’t before.”
She abruptly laughed. “I need a second opinion. Sonya mentioned a witch named Angora earlier. Do you know her?”
“Not intimately.”
My sister nodded. “I’ll give her a call and see what we can brainstorm.”
“How can I help?” Robyn pressed into my knees to lean over me. “I want to do something. Give me something to do, please.”
“Honestly, I think you should rest after that Wolfsbane poisoning. You’re still not fully healed.”
Robyn sniffed. “I’m fine.”
“You’re not fine. You need to lay down.”
My mate groaned, “Shove it, Faye.”
I held my hands up between the two women. “Time out.”
“That’s it. I’m getting Sierra and getting out of here.” Faye launched the blanket from her lap and slid from the recliner, marching quickly to the foyer.
I jumped over the back of the couch to catch my sister at the door. “Faye, wait.Please, don’t leave us in the lurch here. I know it’s hard, but I need your help.Weneed your help. All three of us.”
She inhaled deeply, held it, and then exhaled slowly as she took my hand. “I’m sorry. I’ll call Angora and have her step in.”
“You have to be here.”
“It’s too much. I don’t want Sierra to be in danger again. Goddess, what was I thinking bringing her up here?”
Thunder rumbled through the door. I caught my sister by the shoulders and rubbed my thumbs into her collarbones. “Faye, look at me.”
Reluctantly, she did as I asked.
“Breathe.” I inhaled loudly. “You’re more than your power. You’re in control of your power. You know you have a handle on it…”
Her eyebrows relaxed as she mimicked my breathing. We did a few rounds of loud breathing together, sending the thunder dancing in another direction. On the other side of the door, the girls were babbling together as Sonya spoke to them about storms.
I smiled. “Sierra can handle it, too. Do you hear her out there?”
As though it were planned, Sierra bubbled with laughter.
“She loves the thunder,” I reminded my sister, “and that means she doesn’t mind the rain.”
Faye slumped into me, hugging me tightly with her face shoved into my chest. She squeezed me like a boa and hiccupped as she scrubbed my upper back. “Thank you. I’m sorry.”