Cliff wrapped his arm around my shoulders. “Everybody good?”
“Good,” we all agreed.
And we were good. That was all it took, my daughter sprinting in here and climbing under my arm with her daddy. I stared at the popcorn ceiling and the fan blades spinning lazily. “Tell me about Jilly. Don’t sugarcoat it.”
“But Sydney is here.”
Sydney popped up and leaned on her hand. “I’m fine, Daddy.”
“I just don’t want you to lose sleep again,” Cliff admitted, “like you did earlier. Sonya said you were restless.”
Sydney sighed as she returned to my bosom. She cuddled Mr. Charles harder and let out an irritated huff. “No, I didn’t.”
“Grumpy,” I joked. “Sounds like we all need a nap.”
“Sleep will be your best nurse right now,” Faye chimed from the foyer. “How are you feeling? Okay?”
I rubbed my right temple. “Head hurts.”
“Yeah, Wolfsbane is a tough one.”
“But it’s all gone, right?”
Faye appeared over the top of the couch with a grin. “I knew you two would come together. I dreamed about it. Did Cliff tell you that?”
“You dreamed about it?”
Cliff blushed when I cast him a curious look. “I mean…”
I laughed. “I knew you were a witch, but I didn’t know you could predict the future.”
“With unfortunately startling clarity.”
Cliff cleared his throat. “I didn’t think it was that big of a deal.”
I pushed on his arm, noticing the IV in my wrist. I frowned. “Ew.”
“Oh, let me get that for you,” Faye offered, and I turned away as she removed the IV from my arm with careful precision. I barely felt anything when she patched up the wound.
I smiled. “Thanks, Faye.”
“My pleasure. I’ll go make a fresh batch of tea.”
I burped. “Maybe not the same time that Cliff just gave me.”
Sydney flung her tiny arm over my stomach. Nausea threatened to make me dry heave, but I settled in once Cliff started massaging the base of my scalp. The faucet ran in the kitchen. The sound of teacups clanked next. Soothing sounds. Normal sounds.
We needed a little normal to get through this challenging time. “Where is she?”
Cliff rested his head on my shoulder. “Downstairs. She’s safe.”
“Do you have any idea who the demon is and how much damage it caused so far?”
“No, I’m afraid I’m not sure yet. But Faye is working on it.”
I let my attention wander to the wall across from us. “I’m sorry I didn’t call you. I’m sorry I got mad atyoufor not calling me.”
“Hey, don’t do that.”