With Robyn tucked under my right arm, I staved off the demon woman with a kangaroo-like kick and sent her reeling back into the magical whirlwind. She shrieked with her claws raised and then weakly collapsed in a coiled position on the ground. The wind began to die down as the demon covered her head. A thin, silky curtain of lime green billowed around the demon.
Faye shakily stepped forward. “I’ve got her now.”
Heavy footsteps slammed the ground behind us. Seconds later, Larry and Hector arrived with three burly men from the pack as backup. Two of the men secured the possessed woman using a set of handcuffs that Faye tapped once they were in place.
“That should keep her from doing any tricks,” Faye explained, “and it’ll act as a magical locator. I have those pinged to a map that can show me wherever she might go.”
“Good. Let’s get her somewhere she can’t bother anyone.”
Faye observed the dark house behind us. “What about in there?”
I sighed. “It’s as good a place as any.”
While Larry delegated the muscle, Faye assisted me with Robyn. My mate was staring blankly at the forest as her lips trembled. Her eyes were pale, sunken in, and the lids were puffy.
I touched her cheek. “Robby?”
Her pupils blew out when she looked up at me. “She forced me to drink Wolfsbane.”
I gaped at her. “Baby, no.”
Faye rushed us toward the house. “No time to react. Get her inside. Horizontal.Now.” She grabbed Larry. “I need you to get a bowl of hot water and an IV drip going.”
Robyn slumped against me. Her skin was getting worse, thinner. I could see her veins and feared that soon I might see the bones and organs beneath. Her fingers clawed at my chest as she wheezed. Dry lips parted with obvious strain. “I…I need to…”
“Don’t talk, Baby. You’ll hurt yourself.” My voice sounded controlled while inside I felt like the hurricane raged on. “Lay down here.” I set her on the couch as the world proceeded to move around us.
She reached out to me. “I love you, too.”
I grabbed her hand, falling to my knees in front of her as I held her palm to my cheek. There was only one reason she was saying that.
I smiled at her. “You’re not dying tonight, Princess.”
“What if I…?”
“You’re not dying.” I touched her bite mark. “Not on my watch.”
She grinned wistfully as Faye gently lifted her free arm and started applying an IV. Once the drip was set, she reclined into the cushions and got comfortable as my sister did what she did best.
Moments later, Robyn was fast asleep. There was some commotion outside, but I ignored it to keep my eyes on my mate. I wasn’t leaving her side—and no one could make me leave her side.
The door popped open. “You get your hands off my daughterat once.”
I remained still. “Hello, Valerie.”
“Don’t use that tone with me.”
“What tone?”
Her frail hands fixed her long auburn hair with salty strands into a loose bun and then adjusted her robe over her tunic dress. The colors she wore clashed enough to give me a headache.
Concern came over her as she floated toward her daughter. “Is she…?”
“She’s just sleeping,” Faye said calmly, “but she’ll be in pain when she wakes up. Wolfsbane poisoning is a nasty business.”
Valerie touched her lips, which were usually filled with some kind of ruby-red lipstick. Without it, she looked pale. “Will she survive?”
“Yes, it’s just a matter of getting her the antidote. Then, a fresh batch of blood. Would you happen to know who’s her match?”