Her brows locked up. “When was that?”
“About three years ago. I took everything back to Adrian, who had me drive it to some obscure pack in the woods. Bitterpelt Furs? Something gimmicky like that.”
“And then what happened? You just forgot about me?”
Regret was a bitter feeling, one that I felt helpless to experience. My thumb remained on her chin as I casually leaned toward her. “I dreamed about you a lot.”
“If you were so into me, why didn’t you call?”
“I forgot.”
She huffed while pushing away from the table and standing up. “You’re so full of it. You’re just in town, and you think this is an easy lay.”
“I haven’t been drinking. I haven’t even been to a bar since my niece was born. I’ve been busy being her super amazing uncle.”
She crossed her arms over her chest. “Prove it.”
I stood up and bowed toward her with my famous smirk. “Alright, Robby.” As I slid my left hand over her hip, I smoothed my right hand over the small of her back, tracing her spine north. “But just remember you asked for this.”
I must have kissed her a thousand times like this. Late nights under the pier with our feet stuck in the wet sand, tongues dueling as the moon rose high. Early mornings on the cliff with a picnic blanket tied to a tree so we didn’t get blown away. Mid-afternoons on the sidewalk in town as she held her straw hat to her head so it wouldn’t fly off. In her living room.In her bedroom.
My lower lip cupped her bottom lip as I clasped my mouth over hers. There was such evident practice in the movement, so much intimacy in how we folded together effortlessly. She hummed into the kiss, a vibration that sent a shock from my mouth to my cock. I hardened instantly, doubling my grip on her body and thus deepening the kiss. I tilted her back while stealing every last one of her gasping breaths.
Eventually, her left hand rested upon my shoulder as her right hand sidled fingers through my hair. She unwound the ponytail and threaded my hair, brushing it lovingly in long strokes the way she did while we were sunbathing on the beach. This was my last resort. A kiss like this could convince nearly anywoman of anything. I knew just what she liked and precisely how to deliver that pleasure.
Satisfied with my work, I leaned back and steadied her stance, holding her shoulders lightly as her head lolled slightly to the left, casting hair over her mouth. I brushed her hair out of the way and cupped her face. “See?” I grinned when she sleepily gazed up at me. “Doesn’t taste like alcohol, right?”
She gritted her teeth and gently pushed me away. “Really?”
“Listen, this whole evidence thing is cute,” she said while placing her hands on her hips. She avoided eye contact, choosing to focus on the pile of pages on the table. “But I don’t think this is right for me or my daughter.”
“What do you need?”
She focused on me with a blank expression. “What?”
“What do you need in your life right now? Whatever it is, I can guarantee it. Money, safety, resources—you name it.”
“You really want to sell yourself.”
I chuckled lightly, mostly through my nose. “If I don’t do everything in my power to show my commitment to you, then I’m not a very good mate, am I?”
She squinted at me. “All too logical.”
“You’re not a weakling. I know that personally.”
She smiled nostalgically. “Yeah, well…”
“Well, you’re an eligible bachelorette from a wealthy family with lots of connections. There isn’t much you can go without.” I smiled slyly. “Except for protection.”
“Are you trying to become my bodyguard or something?”
I patted my right pocket, where one document was folded into tight squares instead of rolled up with the rest. It was my ace in the hole. It was something significant enough to make her pause and think more than these carefully laid out arguments about good health, wealth, and charity.
Once I felt my pause was sufficient, I plucked the paper from my pocket and presented it to her. It was a death certificate sandwiched onto a miniature copy of her grandparent’s will. “Don’t ask how I got that.”
Her fingers quivered as she stared at the page. “This doesn’t mean anything.”