Page 41 of Lured

“Relax. You need to go along with this. An enthralled would be loving this. Would be focused on my pleasure.” I tried to whisper the words as quietly as I could so no one would hear me, but I was taking a risk given the ability for a vampire to hear.

She slowly eased her body and let me continue exploring her. I didn't take long to free my hard cock and my own control went out the window as soon as I rubbed the tip up against her opening. She moaned, bucked her hips against me and it was all the encouragement I needed to thrust hard and deep inside her.

Gasping, she tried to pull back a little and it reminded me that I was a vampire and she was a human. I couldn't let myself go fully and not run the risk of splitting her in two. Still, she was strong and limber and with each thrust I took she matched the drive.

It was hot, fast and spoke of the need we both had for each other as I felt her body begin to shudder.

The orgasm I had denied her for so long broke over her, the moan she let out with it deep and loud. Her head tipped back as she lost herself in ecstasy. I kept thrusting, enjoying the feel of her body as she pulsed around me, tight and slick and everything I had hoped for.

I slowed a little to allow her time to enjoy her own pleasure, but I wasn't done with her at all. As she recovered a little I relaxed my grip on her arms and kissed her some more. She returned the warm affection with still more desire and panted gently between each one.

Smiling at her, I continued to drive myself into her. She grunted and shifted, trying to get comfortable again and keep thrusting against me. It felt so good that for a few seconds I closed my eyes and just let myself enjoy the moment, pretending we were alone and I didn't have to worry about any of the vampires around me.

I couldn't allow myself the luxury for long. It was too dangerous and we still needed to sell this relationship. I opened my eyes again and admired her beauty and body.

Being a hunter and training to kill had given her body a level of fitness and strength that few humans could manage and she was still keeping up with me, seeking even more pleasure for both of us.

I mixed up the pace, slowing down and driving deeper again while we clung to each other. Around us the rest of the room had begun to indulge in each other as well and I caught her glancing in different directions. When she did it for a third time, I gently took her chin in my hand and pulled her head back to look at me.

Holding her gaze, I began to lift the pace again and drive myself into her. I had let go of her arms, but she he left them up above her head as if she hadn't even noticed they were now free. She moved them finally, draping them over my shoulders, her hands on my back and her nails digging in as I thrust.

It was heavenly to enjoy her body, and as I brought the both of us close to orgasming together, I pulled her body in even tighter against mine. She was getting close to tipping over again and I didn't want to wait any longer. Nor could I resist the scent of her any more.

As I orgasmed, pumping my semen deep into her and throbbing hard as I did, I leaned in toward her neck and bit down. She barely even gasped, my bite timing with her own pleasure so well that her moans covered the surprise.

Her blood tasted even better than I had hoped and I drank deep, hungry for her at the same time as finally being sated. For a few seconds I worried that I wouldn't be able to stop myself from draining her dry, but as her hands ran over my back and she began to panic, I managed to slow, keeping my mouth in place and licking at her wounds as I slipped a little of my venom into her.

It wouldn't turn her. For that she would have to drink my blood, but it would help keep her strong and give her the endorphin rush that would make her want this again. Although she had gasped when I'd bitten, she hadn't flinched and had two very neat puncture wounds on the side of her neck.

I stayed inside her as we both came down from our high, keeping her body close. She began to shudder a little, a natural reaction to so many chemicals flooding her and the new feelings she was experiencing.

As soon as I was sure her wounds were closed and she would recover well I kissed her deeply. She was calming beneath me and I smiled at her.

“Did that please you, Sir?” she asked, her voice gentle and barely above a whisper. Everyone else was in the background, all lost in their own pleasure seeking and I focused entirely on her.

Her words took me by surprise enough that I hesitated to answer, but I pressed my lips to hers again and then stayed close. “Very much so. I am very pleased.”

She leaned in toward me, sighing contently and with enough enthusiasm that I wasn't sure if she was faking it or not. I rolled slightly, so I could rest without being on top of her and brought her body in close. For a little while, I let her lean against me and get some energy back while I stroked her body, running my hands up and down.

Although I planned to let her rest for a few minutes, I wasn't done with her and the vampires around me wouldn't expect me to stop until she was too exhausted to keep going. I would get her some water and then show her many other ways she could please me. And then I would reward her with her own mind blowing orgasms.

While much of this was for show, I couldn't deny that I was enjoying it and I considered what to do with her next. This might be an act for Ludis, but there was something about her that made her naturally submissive and pleasing. I could tell from everything she was saying and doing and the scent of her arousal that she wanted to please.

All I had to do was guide her and not only would Ludis believe that this was genuine, but we would have a lot of fun tricking him.

By the time another hour had passed, I'd fingered her until she'd come again and then sat back for her to learn how to use her mouth the way I liked. Ludis finally noticed us, when I had my hand wound tightly into her ponytail as I was guiding her lips back and forth. I was setting the pace for her to suck me off and she was taking me without hesitation.

Ludis watched us for a few seconds, but I pretended not to notice and be absorbed with teaching Anais to take me deeper and deeper. Now and then I pushed her down onto me far enough she gagged slightly, but she had enough sense to swallow as she did and I was a harsh enough taskmaster that I didn't let her slow or pull up even when she did.

Now and then she swirled her tongue around me and she kept the rest of her body relaxed, not fighting me and letting me know she was still consenting to this intense lesson. I could also smell her wetness and arousal. She was turned on by my moans and knowing that this was enjoyable for me.

As I grew closer and closer to my peak, eager to finish down her throat, I pulled her down onto me. It pushed my hard cock down her throat and made her gag all the more but her reaction tipped me over the edge and I shot my cum into her. She tried to swallow and take the cum, but either way, I didn't give her much choice, holding myself as deep down her throat as I could get.

It was a little mean of me and if we hadn't been in front of an audience, I wasn't sure I'd have pushed her so hard, but I couldn't deny that it made the orgasm even stronger to know I was taking control of her and using her for my pleasure. In the background I heard Ludis laugh, no doubt also enjoying seeing me dominate her.

Slowly, I let her back up off my cock and as soon as I did she gasped for air.

“Good girl,” I said as I relaxed my grip in her hair and ran my hand down the side of her face. Having my cock so deep down her throat had made her eyes water and smeared her makeup a little, but as far as I was concerned it only made her look more attractive to me. She had pushed herself to make this work, and I was very pleased.