I felt him nod as I kept my eyes closed. A familiar scent filled my senses as I took deep breaths to calm my tap-dancing heart. “Is that lavender?”

“Did I use too much? I filled up the bathtub and found some of that body wash stuff on the vanity. If you don’t like it, I’ll drain it and fill it up again.”

“Don’t you dare. Stand back, I need to get these clothes off—now.” Leaving his arms was more difficult than I would have anticipated, but getting clean was paramount. I’d deal with what was happening between us later. I took enormous pleasure in tearing my top and shredded pants off. Panties and bra followed quickly.

A sharp indrawn breath bounced off the tiled floor and walls, but it didn’t register I just gave this stranger a striptease. Although, after all that we’d been through the last few hours, stranger was not what Mac truly was.

I’d lost all sense of modesty months ago and didn’t think about what my actions would do to this man who believed we were fated mates. I just wanted to be clean. The temperature of the water was perfect as I submerged myself fully. The oversized tub could certainly accommodate two adults, although maybe not Mac. Imagining him trying to fit his muscular frame beside me made me chuckle as I came up for air.

Water sluiced off my grimy skin. I grabbed a washcloth and began scrubbing, beginning at my toes and working my way up. The sounds Mac was making barely registered as I sighed over every inch of newly cleansed skin. “Unless you want to see a lot more of me, maybe you should turn your back or go into the bedroom. I’m getting close to my lady bits and by the noises you're making, it may give your further ideas. Not that I’m a prude, or opposed to us becoming…uh, more familiar with each other. But I’d love some real food before that happens.” Looking up into his perfectly sculpted face, I flashed him a smile and winked.

What had come over me? Was I honestly flirting with him right now?

He let out a strangled gasp. “Christ, Sierra, your eye.”

I kept scrubbing and replied, “Yeah, I know. It’s weird, huh? Doesn’t affect my vision though. I usually forget it’s even there.” I’d been born with an odd-shaped right pupil. Some of the girls in the coven thought it resembled a key, and often used it as a reason to tease me. It didn’t bother me though, since they found much more hurtful things to torment me over.

“Mac, why are you staring at me like that? It really isn’t that big a deal.”

His shock had turned to something else as I continued washing my arms and sneaking quick peeks up at him. The longer he stood next to the tub, the more my body responded.

My nipples had gone hard almost immediately after I removed my bra, and his gaze had focused on my chest. His reaction to my nakedness had been swift and obvious. The bulge behind his zipper had continued to grow, and since I knew exactly what he was packing, I began thinking of how it would feel to have him inside me. If he wanted to join me and offer to scrub my back, I wouldn’t complain.

“Just like Britt.”

His mumbled words struck a chord in me I didn’t know I had. Jealously filled me, and I instinctively crossed my arms over my chest. “Who is Britt?”

Mac’s expression instantly changed, and his face morphed into a grin I would find charming and damn sexy if I wasn’t currently seeing green.

“My new sister-in-law. She’s my oldest brother, Quinn’s mate. You both have the mark. The right pupil shaped like a key. I’d been too distracted before to notice it, but it’s just another sign you and I are mates. Fated.”

Shivers ran along my spine, and it wasn’t from the cooling bathwater. “I, uh…maybe you should go wait for me in the other room.”

“If it makes you more comfortable, I’ll go. Now that we’re stranded here, at least until I make sure the demons didn’t follow us. There’ll be plenty of time for me to explain what your coven and your father failed to tell you.”

I nodded and watched him walk away, my eyes glued to his ass. I could no longer speak. I had so much to process, and he just promised to share even more. But what I couldn’t believe was how furious I’d become when he’d uttered another woman’s name.

The magic that I’d felt come to life once he freed me, sparked a fury within me so strong, my jagged fingernails had cut into my palms as I clenched my hands under the water.

If what Mac had told me was all true, and there was more, goddess save me. Standing, I stepped out of the cooling bathwater, then turned on the shower. I shampooed three times, dumped half the bottle of conditioner on my hair and let it set while I used the loofah and scrubbed my body until it was red. Event then at least a half hour had passed before I had the anger tamped back down.

But what remained was the intense pulsing between my thighs and the need to take Mac’s enormous cock inside me and ride him until we both collapsed from pleasure. It wasn’t just the fact that I hadn’t slept with anyone in a couple years and needed a good tumble.

Nope, this feeling went beyond craving multiple orgasms, although I’d take those too.

This felt more about connection, commitment and forever, and that wasn’t something I thought I’d ever have.

I grabbed the hotel supplied robe from the hook on the back of the bathroom door and wrapped the fluffy white cotton around me. There hadn’t been a comb or brush, but I’d used enough conditioner that I was able to finger comb and smooth my hair down. Hopefully I can find some body lotion in the bedroom.

Before I walked out, I took in a deep breath to calm my racing heart. The anticipation of seeing Mac again already had me wet. Letting out a small moan, I tightened the belt on the robe and decided it was now or never.

Mac sat at the table facing the bathroom door. His eyes laced with lust, steady and unblinking as he watched me cross over to the bed. As if he knew my body’s need had bloomed.

A set of clothes, still with tags on them, were splayed out on the comforter. When did he have time to do this? Not used to anyone taking care of me, I choked back a small sob, lifted the green top and whispered, “Thank you. This is very kind of you.”

“I guessed at your size, so I hope they fit. If not, we’ll get you something else when we go back to get some real shoes for you. I figured you wouldn’t mind using the flip flops I picked out until then.” Standing, he walked to the other side of the bed, then paused as if he wanted to say more.

My eyes were drawn to his flexing forearms as he clenched and unclenched his hands. I barely held back a moan. I’d always been fascinated by well-defined, sinewy forearms. My co-workers teased me about my addiction to “arm porn” and now I had a very real, hot-blooded version of my fantasy come to life. I may have drooled a little.