“Yes. My brothers and I use portals located near ley lines. They’re usually located at ancient sites throughout the world. It’ll be a rough ride as it’ll be your first time, but I can promise you its effects won’t last long, and we’ll be home and you’ll be safer than?—”

“Home? When you say home, you do meanmyhome, right?”

“Ssh.” I raised an arm and clasped her hands to hold her steady. Then I guided her off my back, suppressing a moan asher body caressed and further enflamed me on her way down. The hairs on my body began to thicken and my grizzly fought its way to the surface.

The reason for my unconscious partial shift drifted closer until we were enveloped in the stench I’d hoped to have left behind. Sulfur permeated the air. More demons were close.

“I can’t believe you just shushed me. I have a right to know where you’re taking me.” She attempted to step around me, but I held her back.

“Aye, you do, love. But for the moment, I need you to be quiet. I can’t risk taking you through the portal just now. I believe there’s?—”

“Demons. I thought it was my mind playing tricks on me, but I can smell them, too.” Her voice shook and if I could have prevented her from ever having to breathe their foul odor ever again, I would have. I had to get her away as quick as possible. To lose her after finding her mere hours ago was not going to happen.

“Change of plans. I’ll find us a place to hole up until we can safely move again. We may need to use human transportation but know that I will get you home.” I kept her behind me as I turned in a circle. The glimpse of defeat I saw in her eyes was like a punch in the gut. I hated it and my grizzly wasn’t going to let her down, either. He pushed his presence to the surface. My fingernails morphed into claws. The shirt I wore began to tear at the seams and fur sprouted along my shoulders and down my arms.

Growls and snarls erupted from me, followed by a loud squeak from Sierra. “Back…now!” My shout rang loud and certainly alerted the demons positioned between us and the portal. All thought to try and make it, which would only put her at risk, settled in my gut. I rarely felt defeat but in this case, I’d suffer it for my mate.

“Mac! Your hands and face. They’re…oh, my lord, you weren’t lying, were you? You’re shifting.” Frozen in fear, or please let it be disbelief, Sierra fainted. The last thing I wanted was for my mate to fear me. She’d been through too much and I would never forgive my bear if she couldn’t accept me because of its inability to control itself.

Dammit. I fought the shift, twisted my neck and clenched my jaw to keep my teeth human. The grizzly wasn’t having it as it snapped out another snarl. My nose began to elongate into a snout. Clenching my fists, I locked all my joints to keep my bones from morphing. My blood pumped faster from the intense battle between my human and Ursus forms.

The grizzly had never disobeyed me and to try now was foolish. It would leave us both weaker should the demons attack. I may understand its need to protect our mate, but I would not let him out, no matter how hard it fought. Sierra meant more to me then the bear.

A large rush of adrenaline tamped the grizzly back, and I felt my facial bones pop back into place, and my thighs and arms stopped expanding, then shrunk down to normal. Thankfully my clothes had not been completely shredded, but they hung loosely and would have to do until I found a place to hide. I took several deep breaths and guarded Sierra’s still form, as I waited until I was sure the demons had not discovered us.

Thankfully, the clouds kept what little light from the moon there was muted, and the wind blew toward us, masking our scent. I scooped her into my arms and headed in the direction of Reykjavik.

If we’d been attacked, I’d never hear the end of it from my brothers. I knew taking off on my own to track down my mate had been idiotic. Having the Brethren at my back just now would have been welcomed.

But they’d also be five large and rule-following cockblockers. And after this, there was no way I would be waiting for the binding ceremony to take my mate to bed. With more demons searching for us, she needed the power of immortality our coupling would provide. The binding ceremony be damned.

All I needed to do was explain the prophecy, get her addicted to my touch and convince her she wanted this to happen.

What could be easier, right?

Getting her as far away from demons as possible, even if it meant mingling with humans, had to be my first priority. I could have reached out to my brothers, but my pride prevented me from relying on them. I wanted to be the only one protecting my mate. And this unexpected problem would give me time with Sierra. Time I needed to convince my flaming-haired mate there was no going back to her former life.

And after I got her safe, I’d hunt down the chocolate Pop-Tarts she craved.




“Alright, love. I need you to wake up.” Mac’s voice sounded rougher, raspier than before.

A cool, wet cloth glided over my face, and it felt like heaven. When was the last time I’d washed my face? Or any part of my body. My eyelids felt as if lead weights had been taped over them, but I managed to pry the left one open. Mac’s concerned gaze filled my vision. I took in my surroundings and saw white walls and dark floor-length curtains. The faint smell of lavender permeated the air, and I could have wept. No more noxious fumes, thank god.

We were somewhere clean, and it didn’t matter where, I just wanted a… “Bath.” My throat still hurt, and my voice didn’t sound like me as I croaked out my request. I’d been dreaming of a hot bath with a gallon of oils to rehydrate my dry, cracked skin.

“Coming right up. I thought sleep was more important. And you obviously needed it. You’ve slept for almost twelve hours. But I think you’ll be happy with what I have waiting for you.I had to try five hotels before I finally found us a room here. There’s some Icelandic festival this weekend.”

Strong arms picked me up and carried me across a large space until a blinding light hit my eyes and I yelped. “Turn it off! Turn it off!” My eyes began to water, but I was tucked in so close to Mac’s massive chest I had a hard time reaching an arm to cover them.

“Shite. Hold on.” Mac hit the switch with his elbow, then slowly set me on my feet. “What happened?”

His large hands held me gently in place. I ducked my head under his chin, then leaned into his body. It was so strange, but I couldn’t stand not to be in some type of contact with him. “Between the darkness of the cave and little to no daylight outside, I don’t think my pupils have had a chance to adjust. I’ll be okay, just give me a minute. At least until the white stars fade.”