Double-checking that the demons were still out cold, I dug out a bottled water and quickly returned to her.
“Here, take small sips.” Crouching down, I regretted the move immediately and let loose with a few choice curse words, then mumbled an apology. Making quick work of the rope that bound her wrists, I pressed the plastic into her poor damaged hands and helped her raise the bottle to her lips.
With eyes wide and wary, she mouthed “thanks” then took a long pull. I didn’t dare take my eyes off her. I watched her swallow, her delicate throat rising and falling before she let out a satisfied sigh. “Maybe you could move your, er…engorged um,thatback a few feet, thanks.” She waved the bottle toward my erection then finished the water.
Another growl escaped me. The reminder of my lack of clothing had never made me embarrassed. In fact, I couldn’tremember a moment in my life where I’d felt that particular emotion. Her discomfort, wrapped within her sharp words, made me aware of this new sensation. Searching for something, anything, to cover myself and make her feel safer, I scanned the area for a strip of clothing and found nothing. I shifted so my cock was no longer pointing at her, but the movement did little to make the situation better.
“If I could have prevented our first meeting from playing out in this manner, I would have. Unfortunately, my grizzly scented multiple demons keeping you prisoner and your safety meant more, and will always mean more, than any embarrassment either of us may suffer. Not that I suffer, but I assure you I will make it up to you. Can you stand or do I need to carry you out?”
Sierra’s movements had stilled. I noticed her pupils were dilated and incredibly, her body had shifted closer to me even as I moved to give her the space she requested. Her breaths came out in short puffs and the vein in her throat pulsed noticeably quicker. Just further proof she was feeling the pull between us.
And whether she knew it or not, whether she was ready to accept it or not, her body recognized me as her mate.
Sighing, she whispered, “I think I can stand.”
I offered my hand. She responded with an eye roll before pushing herself up. Unfortunately, her leg muscles gave out from little use. I bent to grab her arms to steady her, but was too late. Sierra executed a perfect face-plant on my erection, her face pressing it against my lower stomach.
“Gawd…fwuffing…amit!” Warm air and muffled cries tickled my flesh. Sierra scrambled backward. Her eyes filled with mortification before she closed them tightly as several tears dripped onto her dirt-streaked cheeks.
“Ah, love, no need for that. If circumstances were different, we’d be able to enjoy your mishap. As such, you’ll need to gain some strength back before we find our pleasure with each other.And this cave isn’t exactly the setting I would choose for our initial coupling.”
She squeezed her eyes shut then let out another frustrated sigh. “Give me a minute. I want to walk out here on my own.”
I expected more sharp words from her. Had wanted them, actually. I hadn’t realized until this moment that I craved a mate with backbone and spirit. I needed her to tap into that again in order to get her out of here and far away from the Duke of Hell, who was determined to rule mankind and end the prophecy my brothers and I had waited centuries to begin.
Failure was not an option now that I’d found her. She may fight me, but I needed to get as far away from this volcanic prison and Dante’s reach as fast as possible.
“I’m going to carry you, Sierra. Since you cannot walk, I have no other choice but to carry you.” Time was not on our side. I needed to get her out of here now. Lifting her, I cradled her to my chest and ignored the throbbing between my legs. The need to make her mine would have to wait until she was healthy again. Much too frail for her tall frame, after securing a safe place for us, the first order of business would be to feed her.
The urge to take her to my bed and finally claim her would have to wait.
Stiff and sore from not being able to move much for months on end prevented me from arguing as my gorgeous, muscles on top of muscles rescuer made short work of getting us out of the cave. Not that I’d let him know how instantly drawn to him I was. Besides, from our short time together, he didn’t seem to lack for confidence, even if he seemed a bit delusional about us being fated mates.
But he knew my name.
Knew where to find me.
What if there was some truth to his declaration?
No longer caring about how I was rescued, I just wanted this nightmare to be over and take the world’s longest bath and an even longer nap. So, if the naked grizzly shifter—still couldn’t wrap my head around that information—if he had to carry me out of this godforsaken cave without a stitch on and sporting the largest cock I’d ever seen, then so be it. I’d file a complaint later.
However, the longer I was in his arms, the more unsettled I became. Every pleasure point was on high alert, which didn’t calm my libido one bit. Who was this guy, really? He lookedlike he’d stepped right out of a Hollywood movie or one of those MMA octagon thingies. His chiseled features, physique and demeanor also reminded me of several movies featuring characters based on mythology.
“Not much longer now. My backpack isn’t far, and then I’ll put on some clothes. We’ll hike back to the portal and be home before you know it.” He gently placed me down on the least jagged spot he could find. With a long, heated glance, this man, hell, I didn’t even know his name, made me tremble andwant. How could he make me feel this way? I was in no condition to feel anything but relief at being free.
“Tell me you have chocolate or Pop-Tarts or ooh, chocolate Pop-Tarts in your backpack and I’ll follow you anywhere.”
My rescuer flashed me a dazzling smile, so unexpected considering where I’d just been, not to mention he was freaking naked and looked like a sculpted god, I froze in shock. Shock from how right this moment felt. Was all this a hallucination? Had the sulfur fumes truly altered my brain chemistry?
And just like that, a warmth so unknown, so blissful, enveloped me. And it had nothing in common with the stinging heat I’d suffered while in the cave. This was more a full-body slam of endorphins. Before I could wrap my head around the moment, the still naked giant leaned into me, and noisily took in a breath.
Not a normal breath.