“Yes, but if I drop this sheet, what are the odds we’ll even leave this room tonight?” I was pretty sure the sheet was thin enough he could see right through it, but it was the principle, after all. Besides, I was pretty sure we’d be having more sexy time later. Well, at least I hoped.
But now that he mentioned real food, all I could think about was having an order of eggs benedict and hashbrowns. Extra crispy.
“Point taken. I’ll call down to have the car I rented brought around. I’ll leave you to dress.” Our fingers touched as he placed the clothes in my hand, and oh, was I tempted. My stomach chose that exact moment to protest. Nourishment first, more orgasms after.
Waiting as long as I could so my mate could enjoy her meal, I could no longer hold back my skepticism that no one told her about her part in the prophecy. “I still can’t believe you’ve known nothing about your destiny. We’ve always known that our mates are descendants of the goddess Brigid through her surviving son. And that would make all our mates’ cousins. All of you would be the first daughter born on your father’s side since that time. And you each have the mark. The notch in your right pupil.”
Sierra finished her last bite and was sipping on ice water. When I mentioned the mark on her pupil, her hand stilled, then she set the glass down, but she didn’t say anything. Maybe I shouldn’t have sounded so accusatory.
“Okay, let me back up. I’ll try to give you the condensed version. Okay, so our father is from another world and our mother is Athena. Yes, that Athena. At our birth, she gifted each of us with an alternate form. I shift into a grizzly. My brothersshift into other creatures. We were trained to fight demons and have lived under the directive to ensure mankind’s survival by The Fates. You know of The Fates, right? Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos?”
Sierra nodded. “Also known collectively as Moirai.”
“Yes, okay, great. So, for centuries we’ve waited for our mates and it wasn’t until eight months ago that Quinn discovered Britt. And I just found out that two more of my brothers have found theirs as well.” I’d yet to tell her of Tiegh’s visit while she slept.
“Okay, sounds like a pretty standard prophecy, immortal warriors, or shifters in your case, protecting all of humanity. So where does this creep Dante come in? Before he was wounded, all I got from him was that he meant to breed me, then use the child to rule hell. But for whatever reason, he never touched me. Then one day I have a video camera shoved in my face, and I see all of you, although to be honest, I didn’t really get a real good look at any of you that day. I was still freaked out and trying to find a way to tap into my magic and save myself.”
“Believe me Sierra, if I could have, I would have saved you that day. It’s eaten me alive knowing the danger you were in and not being able to find you.” My voice shook with anger.
Sierra reached across the table, took my hand and pressed it over her heart. “I know. And other than losing weight, the scaly itchy skin, and dealing with dumber-than-a-rock demons, I survived. And you did rescue me. I will never blame you for someone else’s evil.”
I shook my head at her oversimplified description of being held captive. “Stop trying to make me feel less guilty over my lack of duty where you’re concerned. No matter how you spin it, I will never forgive myself.”
Sierra sighed. “Well, we’re just going to have to disagree on that. So, Dante wants to rule the world and you, or rather you and your brothers, are in the way. Is that all?”
“Almost. There’s a lot more to unpack, but we’ve also been searching for these tablets from our father’s world. The Emerald Tablets to be precise. They went missing or were stolen about nine hundred years ago. They were etched with information in a language that only our father can decipher. Secrets of the universe, actually. And of course, Dante wanted his hands on those as well. With the tablets, our mates under his control and us dead, nothing would stop him from taking Lucifer’s place in hell and then there’d also be nothing or no one to stop him from corrupting world leaders and… anyone else.”
“Anyone else? As in… other beings?”
“Possibly. Tiegh, our father, hasn’t always been forthcoming with information about where he came from or how many other species are out there. But our focus has been and always will be mankind. And now our mates, of course.”
“And these tablets. Do you think you’ll ever locate them?” Sierra leaned forward. I could see that some of her skepticism had disappeared.
“We actually found one after Britt’s research led us to a temple in South America. But then Tiegh appeared and took it, and me, for a while. During the short time I was with him, he refused to answer any of my questions, but I have a theory about what really happened to the tablets.”
“Hold on, I think I need a glass of wine to hear the rest of this.” She lifted a hand to signal the waitress.
I grabbed her hand and guided it back to the table. “I promise, I’m almost done, and I have plans for you and us, and I’d rather you be fully present for it.”
“Ooh, that sounds ominous. What are you planning?” Interest flared in her beautiful moss green eyes.
“Something I don’t need anyone’s permission for except yours.” I rasped out.
“Maybe you should hurry up and finish explaining the rest before I decide you can have whatever it is you want permission for.” She was flirting with me even after all the information I’d just unloaded on her. Her strength and resilience amazed me. How many other women would be able to handle everything she’d been through and not fall apart? More proof she was mine.
A low growl rumbled in my chest, and I needed to wrap this up quickly before the desire that was still burning bright in her steady gaze had me dragging her across the table and embarrassing the rest of the diners in the restaurant.
Blowing out a long breath, I continued. “What I’ve come to believe and what I confronted my father with, is that I don’t believe someone took his tablets. I think he made it appear as if they’d been stolen. I mean, he defeated Zeus. He’s capable of many things, and he’s a master manipulator. When I told him what I suspected, he ignored me and changed the subject.”
“And you didn’t push him. Why?”
“You’re my priority. Nothing else will ever matter to me as much as you do.”