Overwhelmed, I leaned back against the couch. “Hudson doesn’t know any of that.”
“No. The men were uncertain how to tell their sons that they were terrible fathers because of their screwed-up culture, and fear. A few of them have already found out through their fathers. The rest will likely find out over time.”
“Why didn’t they just tell them? It’s cruel to let them keep believing that bears can’t commit,” I protested.
She gave a small smile. “Ideally, we want them to decide for themselves to do better. Look at Hudson. The boy’s been in lovewith you since before he knew what love was, Callie. Do you really think he can walk away from you while you’re pregnant with his child?”
I didn’t.
And that made me hopeful. Really hopeful.
“I haven’t seen him in eight years,” I said, rather than answering her. “Why didn’t you tell him about my dad?”
Her smile faded. “I tried to. I asked him if he’d talked to you recently multiple times, but he always changed the subject. I’m sure he puts on a brave face for you, but he’s struggled to stay away from you since you left. I thought it was only a matter of time until he went after you. I never imagined he’d make it this long. He doesn’t come home for holidays often, and when he does, he only stays for the day. I think it reminds him of you too much.”
My throat swelled. “You didn’t want to push him.”
“I wanted to, but he’s a grown man. I have to let him make his own decisions now.”
I nodded. “When are you going to tell him about your engagement?”
She smiled. “As soon as he comes by to tell me about your baby. He won’t know I’ve spoken to his father.”
“I’m not pregnant yet,” I said quickly.
“I know. I’m excited for you, though. As difficult as it was, I would sign those breeding papers and raise that boy by myself all over again if I could. The times were hard, but they were the bestdays of my life. Nothing could ever mean as much to me as those sticky little kisses and toothy grins.”
Nodding, I bit my lip to hold back the messy emotions I was feeling. “He keeps saying he’s not going to leave me.”
“He never has before. I don’t see why he’d start now.”
She was right.
Her and Wren both.
When we parted after high school, it hadn’t been Hudson’s doing. I was the one who left him. He hadn’t had a plan—he’d only started running security because a few of the other bears had. He’d even told me that Cub Lake was too lonely without me.
“Let me feed you before you head home,” she said. “I can answer the rest of your questions, too.”
I pacedthe length of Callie’s porch, itching for something to punch. The gym had gotten me through my years without her—but there was no gym nearby at the moment.
And being at her house while not knowing where she was might just kill me.
Most of the time, I could keep my cool.
But most of the time, mymatedidn’t talk about marrying some other bastard before making it clear she wanted me to leave her alone.
I dialed her number again, holding the phone to my ear. I’d managed to stop myself from calling more than twice, but I’d been pacing for an hour. I kept picturing her meeting some guy at the grocery store and screwing him in his car. It was?—
“Hey,” she said, answering right before it went to voicemail. “Sorry, I left my phone in my car.”
“Where are you, Cal?” My voice strained.