Page 68 of Blood Bonds

It soon got even better when I felt Talon’s lips at the other side, and I swear my head was going to roll right off my spine. Because if I felt drunk before, then this was like adding drugs straight to the vein. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I was screaming at myself that I shouldn’t be doing this, that I should be fighting them. That I shouldn’t want their hands, their lips on me this way. That I shouldn’t be naked between them allowing this.

A thought that I promptly told to fuck off!

I told every single ounce of doubt, worry, and fear to go and get lost. To fuck off and not come back until morning, because this felt way too good to stop! Which was why I let my head fall back and a moan of pleasure slipped free, telling them all they needed to know.

I wanted this.

Fuck, I wanted this.

I felt like I was going to fucking self-combust. In fact, for these two Vampires, it felt like…

My blood was on fire.

And there was only one way to cool me down, or so the brothers thought, because they started to walk me closer to the shower. Victor’s head came up long enough to communicate something to Talon, and it was like they were so in sync they didn’t even have to use words.

I knew that when Talon stepped away from my back and Victor wrapped his arms around me. The feel of our naked bodies pressed against each other was making me feel lightheaded. As if until this moment it had only ever been the hint of a fantasy, one that was suddenly becoming reality. One that started with the heavy weight of his hard cock felt against my belly, telling me just how real this was.

“Time for us to really care for you,” Victor said like some sexual promise I whole heartedly wanted to believe in. A belief that started when he picked me up and walked me into the shower. One I had forgotten all about. But then, that wasn’t really surprising. Not with these two in the room and looking the way they did. Jesus, I had no hope at coherent thought. I think there could have been a level eight on the Earthquake Magnitude Scale, and I wouldn’t have noticed.

Now as for Victor’s body, the second the water rained down on him and got him wet… yeah, now that was all my brain would focus on. The way he reached up and tugged on the cord holding half his hair back, making it cascade around his shoulders. I could have been in the middle of the jungle just come across some Aztec god washing under a mythical waterfall.

I watched, open mouthed, as he dipped his head under the spray, using both hands to push his hair back like a wet dream that had my pussy fanning itself like some sex starved hussy.

“That… that isn’t fair,”I actually formed words, making him smirk down at me.

“What isn’t fair, Sweetheart?” he asked in a knowing tone.

“To be that gorgeous, I mean, it isn’t fair. Like, how am I supposed to think or breathe or speak and…”

Victor chuckled and tugged me closer, his hand firm at my hip. Then he led my own head under, taking care for the spray to only get my hair wet, stroking it all back from my face. I must have looked like some loved sick, wide eyed puppy as I gazed up at him longingly.

“Youare that gorgeous and I don’t need you to speak…I only need you to scream for me,”he said, making me gasp as he lowered his head and kissed me. I moaned into his mouth as once again, my blood ignited. He dominated the kiss completely as I tried to immortalize the taste of him on my tongue forever.

“Now now, Brother, time to share,” Talon said, his hands once more spanning my waist so he could turn me to face him the second Victor ended the kiss.

“Oh my god,”I muttered breathlessly, my brain locked in a state of wonder the second I saw that he too was now wet and naked. I had the sudden urge to try and lap up the droplets with my tongue, instead I allowed my eyes to trail them into every dip and curve of his…

“Keep looking at me like that, girl, and I will fucking eat you,” Talon warned, licking his lips and freely letting his fangs emerge.

It was a stark reminder that I did have some good sense still left in me at the very least because I took a step back into Victor. His cock, hard and at the ready, fell just above my ass cheeks.

“Easy, baby, when he speaks of eating you… he means your pussy… tell him that you will be sweet for him…tell him how your sweet cunt will cream for his tongue.”

I gasped at his crude words and how they made my insides quiver. The intensity was too great to even look as the whites of his eyes had started to turn black, and his once green irises now glowing silver.

“Mmm, seems like our girl needs some more convincing,” Victor hummed, his voice amused, not disappointed. In fact, it was like they enjoyed the thrill of the chase and were in no rush to finish this. No, it seemed like they had something entirely different in mind.

“I believe you’re right, Brother,” Talon said, stepping back up to me and eliminating the space I had tried to put between us.

“Wh-what are you… you going to do?” I stuttered, unable to get my words to sound anything but unsure.

Talon raised his eyes over my head when I asked this, looking to his brother once more. I glance back in time to see Victor nod in silent reply. After this, I felt my face brought back to Talon as he lowered his head enough to tell me,

“Time to give you a taste of paradise,”he said before bringing his own finger to his lips, and I watched, completely mesmerized as he sucked his own digit inside his mouth.

I had never been so jealous of a finger before.

Well, that was until he grinned around it, letting his fangs emerge before he bit brutally down into his own flesh. I flinched, wincing as if I could feel the pain he self-inflicted. Although it didn’t look like it bothered him in the slightest, making me wonder if Vampires could even feel pain?