We approached the red front doors, past a long line running along the street filled with hopefuls all waiting in the cold forthe chance to get inside despite their name not being on the guest list. The doormen bowed their heads respectfully as they unhooked the corded rope before we got closer, knowing we would not have been happy to wait.
We had places to be, people to kill…
A girl to kidnap.
Speaking of all three, once inside, we made our way toward the back doors, and where we conducted all our ‘business’ far away from prying eyes. Our main office was here, despite the building we owned being not too far from our apartment building. Here was where we conducted most of our more, should we say, nefarious business dealings. A room we now walked inside to find Andras waiting for us.
The information he had to give didn’t take that long, but it was long enough that I was growing tired of waiting until I had a victim to make bleed. My mood soured the longer I was without my little Peach. And from the furious tick in my brother’s jaw, I would say that he felt the same. Most of the time we let our foot soldiers deal with low level shit like this, but Andras knew we most likely needed this right now.
And he was right.
However, what none of us expected was for Andras to get a call telling him that our little escapee had just been spotted. But then even more shocking than this news was when she suddenly burst into the room.
Burst in…
Cute and intoxicated.
Chapter 23
Apple Schnapps
Red doors.
Of course, the entrance was red.
Well at least for once I was dressed the part.
The second I got the card from Stacey and called the fortune teller’s number, she had given me this address. She had told me that she was doing a private event here and that if I really needed to speak to her, then she would see me at this nightclub.
In fact, she seemed weirdly surprised but not by my call. No, it had been after she asked me where I was calling her from and in my drunken state, I told her from my apartment. Only then had she given me the address, which was why I was standing here looking at the long line of people all eager to get inside.
Each woman was wearing the most fashionable clothes that I could never afford, and all with their designer shoes, handbags, and tailor-cut businessmen on their arms. And for those that didn’t have a man, they were in groups… each most likely hoping they would get their chance at meeting the elite inside. And well,this would be the place because honestly, one look and I knew I had very little chance at getting inside.
Especially when I foolishly looked down at myself and saw the little goth girl I was trying to be.
I had been hoping for something black and unassuming to borrow from Stacey. However, when the fortune teller told me the address, I let my roommate convince me to wear a dress.
Now, I just felt like a fool.
Stacey told me the dress was called Ophelia. I didn’t even know that dresses could have names. But apparently, they could and did. The black taffeta gathered in ruffles at my sides before joining with straight black panels of the corseted top. A crisscross of thick black ribbon pulled the material together tight enough that my breasts looked like they would spill from the top… I wasn’t surprised because Stacey didn’t have my curves, just like I didn’t have her height. Although, thanks to her black lace up boots, I had managed to add about four inches to my height, despite how hard they were to walk in.
As for the skirt, this was made up of layers of black lace at different lengths, each with a frilly edge, making it flare out around my legs. It was also longer at the back than it was at the front. Opaque black tights were designed to look like my legs were wrapped up with thick straps, thanks to the thicker material crossing over them in different directions. As for the boots, these were a shiny material adorned with multiple chains all a different thickness. They also looked kick ass, in my opinion, but I was still drunk, so what did I know?
The dress made me feel like some gothic damsel with its thick lace straps that kept falling off my shoulders and draped at the top of my arms. Of course, Stacey had also curled my hair before twisting it off to one side and clipping it there with a black rose made from the same lace as the dress. My make-up was smokey-black, with thick eyeliner and mascara that made my eyes looklike they belonged on a doll. Dark red lipstick completed the gothic look, which was one everyone now seemed to look down on. As if I was some sort of New York outcast that should have remained with my own kind.
Well screw them! I wasn’t there to impress anyone. I just wanted a disguise in case I was seen on the streets by a certain Vampire duo. I also needed to be dressy enough to get into a club and with the little options open to me, this was the best I was going to get because thanks to the corset, it was the only dress that really fit me.
So, with my mission in mind, I positioned my purse at my hip, a black skull bag Stacey had leant me, and I walked straight up to the doormen, trying not to trip in my drunken state. However, I didn’t see another man coming my way and I ended up bumping into him, having to say sorry the second I did. I didn’t recognize the handsome Black man, but his eyes widened down at me, most likely because of what I was wearing. His dark gray suit was a startling contrast to how I was dressed, and he look like he was on his way to a meeting.
“Sorry,” I muttered, lowering my head.
“The fault was mine, but please, after you,” he told me, and I knew this would only end up being embarrassing. Because I knew the chances of me getting in a place like this were slim at best. Even if they took enough pity on me above all the rest that were standing in line, I doubted I would have been able to afford the entrance fee. Something I realized I should have thought about before simply turning up in my drunken state.
“Thanks,” I said, granting him a small nervous smile in return, before stepping right up to the front of the queue to the big intimidating doormen.
“Name?” one asked, granting me a look that said it all…not a fucking chance.But that was when the man behind me spoke up before I could.