Page 58 of Blood Bonds

“They had plans for me.”Something which felt like the understatement of the year.

“Just call them,” she suggested, making me wave my phone at her.

“I can’t, I turned my phone off,” I said, making her reach for it and say,

“Just turn it back on and…”

“No!” I shouted, snatching it back before she could because I didn’t know if they could track the phone or not.

“Okay… look, if you don’t want to go, just don’t go.”

I winced, knowing that wasn’t much of an option for me, because if I didn’t, I would only end up paying for it tomorrow.

“I better had,” I said, making her frown in question.

“What’s going on, Nessa?”

“What do you mean?” I asked, deciding a shower might do a good job toward sobering me up. Stacey followed me into the bathroom where I turned on the shower, getting it warm before I got in.

“You’ve been acting weird since…”

“Since when?” I asked when she paused.

“Since the fortune teller.”

The second she said this it was like everything just slammed into place all at once. Like a total Tada moment, making me turn to her and agree.

“You’re right, this all started that night.”

“What all started?” she asked as I was tearing my hooded sweater over my head, having already changed once from the night before.

“Everything that happened was after meeting her,” I told her, grabbing on to her arms and trying to get her to understand the tiny amount I had given her.

“Okay, you’re not making sense now,” my friend tried, but instead of explaining, I said,

“I need to grab a shower, but do you think you have anything that will fit me? Anything I can wear that isn’t my usual jeans and T-shirt?” I asked, making her eyes widen and all thoughts of what I was talking about were lost when she squealed.

“Eeeek, makeover time!” Then she ran off, and I looked at myself in the mirror and said,

“What just happened?”

My face had no answers.

Chapter 22

Cute and intoxicated


Fucking gone…again!

“Holy fuck but how is she doing this?!” I snarled the second we found the door open and her not where she should have been.

“We tied her to the fucking bed, for fuck sake!” I added.

My brother was yet to say anything because he was too busy growling in his anger. We had purposely not slept long, both concerned that she would wake and be uncomfortable or distressed enough to hurt herself. So, we had fought against the pull of the sunlight and woken early, but once again we had been too late…she was gone.

“I don’t know but I think it’s time we fucking find out!” Victor snarled as his hand fisted in the sheets that still held her delicious and addictive scent. One he had needed to bring to his nose just to sate the need. For now, he would be even more obsessed with her just like I was.Now that we had both tasted her.