“No, no, no, no, no, no, no…Fuck!”I said now the horror of it sank in as I read his very long message…
‘Hey, just letting you know I won’t be back tonight, in fact I’m hoping I won’t be back for a while. Because I just had an amazing date with super-hot guy and realized he has a twin brother. Yey me! Which means I am in for a fucking hot night of sex and well, you know how much I have needed this. Hopefully they won’t ever let me go ;) I swear I haven’t felt this way about a guy in like forever, and now I have two of them and the best bit is I don’t even have to choose. Lucky me, they are both fucking sexy as sin and twice as gorgeous.
Message you, soon.
Oh, and Wish my pussy luck.’
“What the actually fuck!?” I screamed at the fucking essay that alternated between making me sound like a fucking horny teenager and some sex crazed nympho! I mean, why the fuck…? Why in the ever-loving Christ would he have said that?! And who the fuck signs off with,wish my pussy luck?! Like, who the fuck does that?! I wasn’t surprised when my phone started ringing and it was Stacey.
“Erm hey, so I can explain,” I tried, holding the bridge of my nose like this would help.
“Oh right, let’s hear this one then!”
I stopped my manic pacing and told her, “I might have got a little drunk last night.”
“And slept with two super hot guys… yeah, I got that part, honey,” she said, making me groan.
“I didn’t sleep with anyone,” I argued because, well, it was true.
“Damn, that’s a crying shame,” she said, making me suddenly blurt out the only thing I could think of that would save me this type of shame.
“They are gay!”
“What?” she asked, the disappointment obvious because, clearly, she had been hoping for all the juicy details.
“Yeah, it was just a joke, I guess one of them must have got hold of my phone and when I said that I needed to let you know I wouldn’t be home, he must have taken the opportunity to play a prank on me,” I said because this really did seem far more plausible and no doubt why she instantly believed it.
“Oh… wow, like I said, that’s a damn shame. I was concerned, of course, but I was also like, woohoo you go, girl, you know?”
I laughed and, of course, it was fake because in my head all I could do was play out what actually happened. But more importantly,what I would have actually allowed to happen.
Because had I not passed out on them, had Victor not taken too much of my blood, would that have been the next step? Would we have taken it to the bedroom, and once there, would I have slept with them both? I mean, I didn’t remember protesting at all, not even when they took my sweater off and were alternating between kissing me.
Jesus, I could feel myself getting hot just thinking about it. To the point that I wasn’t listening to what Stacey was saying, until I caught something at the end.
“Say that again?” I asked, that dangerous feeling creeping its way up my spine again.
“I said, speaking of super-hot guys, two just walked in wearing sunglasses.”
My heart plummeted and I asked quickly, “Quick, tell me what they look like.”
“Well, one is wearing a suit and kind looks like he belongs on the calendar for the Men in Black, if it were a real intergalactic government organization that was,” she replied, making me gasp. Not at the idea but more at the fear Victor had now entered into my domain. But of course, I had stupidly told him where I worked. Damn, damn, damn!
“And the other guy?” I asked quickly.
“Like some sexy biker that looks like he should be on every calendar… Jesus, I might self-combust.”
I could just imagine her fanning herself, like some gothic widow overcome at the graveyard.
“Fuck, okay, Stacey, listen to me, don’t tell them…”
“They are coming my way,” she interrupted, making me start to panic.
“Then walk away. Go into the back room and…”
“Hello, gentlemen, how may I help you?” I heard her say, completely ignoring me.
When I heard Victor’s voice, I froze and gripped the phone hard enough to crack it more than it already was.