Page 99 of Salvatore

Again. She’s right. But again, I don’t tell her. No, I don’t have a choice. But she needs to believe she still does.

Before I can argue, her front door opens and a pair of feet stomp inside. “Sal?” Vin’s voice calls out.

I take one last look at Donnie. “It’s not too late for you,” I tell her, my voice whip sharp.

“You’re wrong,” she says, her odd tone halting me by the door. Her eyes glue to her worn reflection, agony practically aging her as I watch. “You’re so wrong, Salvatore.”

There are so many things I can tell Donnie?too many words to remind her of what she once was. But with Vin here, I can’t. Like I said, he’s ruined both of us.

I step out to of her room and around the corner into the living room. Vin and Lucca are standing by the white leather couches, Lucca’s expression tight. Vin meets me halfway, keeping his voice low. “Tomorrow night, we’re taking out Liberella.” He laughs when I just look at him. “What? Do you think I can continue to allow his disrespect?” His smile erases. “I want you at the house with Rita starting at dawn. No one gets in, you hear me?”

Just when I think Vin can’t dig his grave deeper into hell, he does this, target New York’s strongest boss. What’s the master plan this time? Storm his house?his business? Poison his damn food? Whatever it is, if he fails, it ends for all of us.

Our numbers are few, and most of his men are ready to jump ship to the other side, seeing how many he sent to war to die on his behalf. He’s thinking go big and go strong. I’m thinking he’s lost his damn mind. I don’t tell him. I don’t say anything that might spare his life?not after what he pulled on me and my family.

“You think the remaining bosses will come after Rita?” I’m not really asking, more like clarifying what I’ve wondered about. Family is supposed to be off limits. That’s the rule. But Vin has done too much shit and lost too much honor, and now, his wife is at risk. Hell, we all are.

When he doesn’t answer and reaches for a smoke, I ask, “What about Donnie?”

He takes a long drag and blows it out slowly. “She’s out. I already stopped paying for this place. She’s got maybe another two weeks here if that.”

Every muscle in my back tenses in time with my clenching fists. “Are you going to tell her?”

“She’ll find out when the eviction notices start piling up.” He shrugs. “The other one,” he adds, referencing Tina or whatever the hell her name is. “She’ll be your regular watch once I’m sure Rita’s safe.”

A small creak behind me tells me Donnie was at her bedroom door and that she heard every word. I don’t react. I can’t.

Vin doesn’t notice, edging toward Donnie’s bedroom as Lucca makes his way to my side. I shouldn’t be shocked that Vin’s here to fuck her, even though he’s already fucked her over.

“What?” Vin asks, laughing when he catches my glare. “She still gives the best head in the Tri-states.”

He’s saying that shit to look strong, not that he’ll deny Donnie when she falls to her knees.

I glance at Lucca when I hear Vin close the bedroom door behind him, realizing he’s watching my every move. Since the island, he kept trying to figure me out. I can’t shake the feeling there’s more to him. But, it’s what I catch in his dark stare when he shifts his focus in the direction of the bedroom that halts me in place.

Holy shit. Lucca hates Vin.

Can’t say he’s alone.

He notices me watching him. The lethal stare he pegs me with almost has me reaching for my piece. “What the fuck are you doing here, Sal?” he asks, his voice barely audible.

He’s not asking me why I haven’t left. No, there’s more to his question. But I’m not telling him shit.

Shots fire, causing Lucca and me to dive on the floor.

My sig is out as I army crawl along the floor and squat on the wall beside Donnie’s door. Lucca’s on the opposite side, his piece tight in his grip. In our brief exchange, I know he’s thinking the same thing I am: someone followed them here to take Vin out.

It’s Vin’s voice and tone that bottom out my stomach and tell me more than I want to know.

“Fuck,” he says. “Holy fuck.”

My head falls back against the wall and my heavy hands lower to the floor. No, baby girl . . . no.

It takes me too many long seconds, but I eventually stand.

I house my piece and slowly open the door.

“Sal?” Lucca asks.