Page 72 of Salvatore

“That’s a great idea,” I say, beaming. “Maybe I’ll do the same. Ripping off my clothes in front of a room filled with lonely men has to pay more than counseling.”

I crack up when he scowls. “What’s the matter?” I ask. “Can’t the brooding wall of muscle take a joke?”

“You’re lucky I like you,” he says, adding the smirk that makes my toes curl.

Our humor dwindles as we both remember he needs to leave. My arms encircle his neck, anyway. “Can you encourage Vincent to hire police protection, or perhaps use Lucca more frequently?” I don’t know Vincent, and this is my first time hearing Lucca’s name. The idea of anyone getting hurt, even people I don’t know, upsets me. But the thought of anything happening to Salvatore terrifies me. When I think about what happened the last time he rounded with Vin, I just want to hold him against me.

“There’s a reason Vin hired me to look after him and those he associates with. I’m good on my feet and even better with my hands. It’s my job, Aedry. Lucca . . . he’s still new. He’s learning, but Vin still wants me to handle the majority of his security.” He shrugs. “As far as the cops go, there’s a lot of shady shit going on within the county. Nothing ever came of the police report we filed last time, so Vin doesn’t feel cops are people he can count on.”

“Oh,” I respond, not bothering to hide my disappointment.

“Give me time, okay?” he asks. “I’m trying to figure out a way I can do something else. Believe me, I don’t want to keep doing what I’m doing.”

I nod. Although he doesn’t discuss his work much, I know he’s not happy at his job, and that it’s not something he looks forward to.

“I have to go,” he reminds me, although I’m still not ready to let him go.

“Will you at least stay for dinner?” I ask. “I ordered a lot of food. I was really hungry.”

“I noticed,” he says, watching me carefully. “Do you think you’re pregnant?”

My body warms. “No, just hungry. I skipped out on lunch to check on a student.”

He frowns. “You went to someone’s house? I don’t like it,” he says, before I can answer. “Anything can happen to you.”

“It was at a shelter where she’s staying. I’m trying to keep her in school.”

“I still don’t like it,” he says. “Nothing can happen to you, ever. Understand?”

“I think I do,” I say, returning his focus so he’ll see I worry about him, too. “Please be careful tonight. And call me when you’re done so I know you’re okay.”

He nods, as if he doesn’t want to think about things, but then his stare skips to my alarm clock. “Shit,” he mutters. “I have to go.”

He shuffles to the edge of the bed, fixing his pants. Sometime during our lovemaking, my laptop fell to the floor. I didn’t notice until he lifts it and places it on the mattress beside him. He glances over his shoulder, giving me a wry smile. “You know you don’t need that, right?”

With the exception of my pajama top draping my arms and shoulders, I’m completely naked. I know I shouldn’t tempt him, but it’s hard to watch him go. I crawl across the bed on all fours, straddling him before he can protest.

He hauls me close, kissing me hard. I moan, the crotch of his pants pressing against my tender folds in a way that both aches and entices. I bite down on his lip in a way that drives him wild.

“Are you sure you have to go?” I say, gasping as the throbbing in my core accelerates.

He spits out a curse and drops his gaze. But when he returns his focus on me, I know I’m not the only one who craves more. “I don’t want to leave you or the sight of this face,” he tells me.

His words cause me to smile, even though they’re not the ones I long to hear. I try to make a joke, realizing I’m making it harder for him to leave and hoping to alleviate some of the growing strain between us. “Even when this face looks like this?”

He doesn’t return my smile, cementing me in place with the power of his stare. “This face is the one that haunts my dreams and lures me to your bed. I can’t be without it, and I especially can’t be without you.” He releases a heavy sigh. “It’s taking everything I have to leave you, Adrianna. I don’t know how the hell I ever lived without you . . .”