Page 10 of Salvatore

Chapter Four


“Who’s trying to hurt them, Salvatore?”

His steel hard expression tightens further. “No one. That’s not what I said,” he answers, keeping his voice even.

He doesn’t blink, yet I don’t believe him. “Are you worried someone might?” I ask, trying to press enough to get some answers and maybe attain a better feel for him.

“No,” he responds. His gravelly voice grows more of an edge. It’s subtle, but my training helps me pick up on it. “I’m only saying I’m there for them no matter what.”

No . . . there’s more to it than that. I start to tell him when the front door opens and Apollo steps in, leading a young woman into the apartment by her hand. His smile vanishes and so does hers when Salvatore rises and pegs them with a glare that comes down like an axe.

“Oh, shit,” Apollo says, his eyes rounding when he sees me standing beside his brother.

Sal points to the girl. “You, out,” he growls, motioning to the hall. The girl takes off in a run. Seeing how Salvatore appears ready to tear someone’s spine out, I can’t really blame the poor thing. He addresses Apollo, hooking a thumb. “Get your ass in here.”

Apollo leaves the foyer. I ease myself between them as he steps into the large open living room. “Hi, Apollo. How are you?”

“Oh, just great, Miss Aedry, real great,” he mumbles, keeping his sights on his very immense brother.

I glance at Salvatore. If glares were strong enough to mold and create steel, there would be a tank taking up space in the living room. “Um, your guardian and I have been discussing a plan to help you meet your goals and academic objectives.”

Apollo’s stare cuts nervously Sal’s way. “I can see that,” he says, backing away when Sal takes a step forward.

“Watch that smart mouth,” Sal snaps, edging closer. “Is this what you’ve been doing this whole time? Ditching school to bring back girls when you think I’m not around?”

I lift my hand, pressing it against his chest. Ordinarily, I wouldn’t touch anyone like this, especially someone so, um, menacing. But I have to do something to ease his mounting fury.

My touch is gentle, but it’s enough to halt his advancing steps. He looks at me, then my hand, before meeting me square in the eye again.

I offer a gentle smile, or at least I try to. My face is burning and my pulse is racing out of control. I’m not used to being this close to a stranger. “Perhaps a calmer approach would work better?” I offer.

“Calm?” he says, practically growling at me.

“I like calm,” Apollo says. “Calm works.”

“Don’t push me,” Sal barks.

This is going to be fun.I turn around and smile at Apollo, who oddly enough seems ready to bolt. “Why don’t you sit so we can talk with you?”

“We?” Apollo says, glancing back at his brother. I nod. “We’re going to talk?” For some reason, the suggestion makes him smile. “Yeah. Let’s talk. Wouldn’t want to leave Miss Aedry with the wrong impression about us, would we, Sal?”

I don’t have to turn around to guess Salvatore’s reaction. The tension slamming into my shoulders, coupled with Apollo’s large step back assures me his brother’s response was neither warm nor cuddly. My nails graze over the ridiculously dense muscles in Salvatore’s arm. The motion is light and just enough to draw his attention away from Apollo.

Again, his focus falls to my hand before returning to my thoroughly heated face. “Shall we sit and talk?” I suggest.

He waits for Apollo to lower himself into the loveseat before returning to the couch, a classic demonstration of dominance. Salvatore sits, leaving me space so I’ll resume my place beside him. As I take a seat, our legs brush together, sending another wave of heat to flush my skin.

“Okay,” I begin, ignoring the feel of him watching me. “You’ve already missed nine days of school. If you miss one more?”

“He won’t,” Sal answers for him. “Will you?”

Apollo’s stare bounces from him to me. I continue as if uninterrupted. “You can’t miss another day without a medical reason and a note from your doctor. But, given your history, excessive absences, and the steps you’ve taken to hide the school’s warnings from your guardian, you’ll also have to attend mandatory counseling sessions.”

He doesn’t appear resistant to counseling. In fact, his entire expression lights up as he steals a glance at Salvatore. “With who?”

“We have a few part-time male counselors starting in a few weeks. I’m sure we’ll be able to place you in one of their slots so it doesn’t interfere with your classes.”