“Nothing.” I rolled up the window when it was clear she wasn’t coming out, and didn’t want to see me.
Apollo was more nervous, scared even. “Sal, what did you do to Miss Aedry?”
“I said, ‘nothing’,” I bit out.
I shot out of the school lot, feeling them watching me. I didn’t bother with an explanation. I didn’t think I owed them one. But when Gianno started swearing, and Apollo wouldn’t say shit, I assured them I hadn’t hurt her. Even though I guess I did. “I’m not the right man for her.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Gianno snapped.
“It means we didn’t get along and we didn’t have a good night.”
That was only partly true. The night was good up until I took her home. I enjoyed learning about where she came from and getting to know her. I also liked how she felt against my body and how hot she made me when she came. But I didn’t tell them that.
“Stay out of my business and keep your head in school where it belongs,” I added when they wouldn’t stop drilling me.
My brothers weren’t happy. They didn’t like what I had to say, but eventually backed off.
I figured after a few days, a week tops, I’d catch a glimpse of her and eventually she’d start waving again. Now here we are, two weeks later and she still won’t return my calls.
I hop out of my car and slam the door shut. Well, this shit ends today.
“Hey,” someone calls to me. “That’s the teacher’s lot.”
“So?” I mutter without another glance back. The school is locked up tight, but I catch a break when a kid walks out. He moves back when he sees me, way back like he should. I jog up the steps to the next level. Her office is on the second floor, that much I know, so I follow the blue signs glued to the wall directing me to the guidance offices.
I’m a few steps from reaching the end of the hall when I catch sight of Gianno in what must be Aedry’s office. His long body is sprawled across a couch and he’s reading something he actually seems to be paying attention to. Last time I saw him reading this intently, he’d slipped a porn mag between the pages of a history text and was reading tips on how to go down on a girl. I ripped that shit in half. The last thing he needs at his age is an STI.
I glance through the window lined with wire. Her office is small, nothing more than a box with a glass front. Even still, it’s clean like her apartment, with bits of her personality poking through, a painting here, a vase there, and a flowery window treatment running above the industrial-looking blinds.
Aedry leans toward Apollo where they’re sitting at a desk, pointing to whatever he’s scribbling and speaking quietly. She nods, her smile widening the more he writes. When he pauses and shows her his work, her entire face lights up like the sun.
“You got it!” she says, giving his hand a squeeze.
I can’t see Apollo or make out everything he says, but based on his excitement, I know he’s smiling. Gianno glances up, shaking his head as he takes them in. His profile is only slightly visible, but I see enough of his grin to know he’s happy, too.
I don’t watch them long. Aedry straightens when she sees me, her smile dissolving.
“What’s wrong?” Apollo asks. He and Gianno turn around at the same time, neither thrilled to see me.
I rap on the door out of courtesy and open it slowly. “Hey,” I say.
Aedry is the first to avert her gaze, flipping through Apollo’s notebook. “Don’t worry. You’re going to do well on your test,” she tells him like I’m not even there. “Just take your time and don’t rush.”
“Got a minute?” I ask, refusing to be ignored.
She stiffens, but it’s Gianno who answers. “We still have another ten with Miss Aedry.”
“This won’t take long,” I say.
Aedry meets me square in the eye. “If you want to discuss your brothers’ progress, you need to make an appointment. Otherwise, I’m not available.”
“Looks to me like you are.” I lean against the doorframe. “Like Gianno said, you have time.”
Maybe it’s me, but I’m pretty sure she’s about two seconds from flinging her hole- punch at me. My stare fixes on each of my brothers, long enough so they know I mean business. “Wait outside.”
Neither one of them moves and it pisses me off. Whose damn side are they on, anyway? After what seems like too long, and right when I’m ready to snatch them by their throats, Gianno lowers his feet to the floor and reaches for his backpack.