Page 101 of Salvatore



My new Range Rover eases down the county road as the air conditioning streams along my arms at full blast. A hundred degrees. That’s how hot it is in North Carolina.

“You sure we’re going the right way, G?” Apollo asks from where he’s sitting in the back.

“No. Siri’s not answering shit out here. But that guy at the market said this is the right road,” Gianno tells him. “Right, Sal?”

I nod, but I don’t say much, my head racing with too many thoughts. The last thing I heard before we left Jersey is that the remaining bosses are battling it out for Vin’s territories. The shit-storm he started caused a lot of bad blood. Every boss wants more, and everyone is willing to kill for it.

Fine. Let them. It’s no longer my problem. And I swear to Christ it never will be.

Days. That’s all it took us to sell our place, pack our shit, and move out of the state. We were ready to leave the area and all the bad memories behind.

We’ve been here almost a week, in the town next to where Aedry is supposedly living. The realtor Gianno found online has been showing us around. There’s a long list of places we like, close to the MMA gym I want to buy.

It’s nice here. Good schools. Quiet. Lots of land, and close to outdoor malls more akin to Rodeo Drive than anything I pictured in the south. Although we’re here, I can’t be sure we’ll stay.

Not if Aedry doesn’t want me.

I pass my hand through my short hair. I stopped shaving my head the night Donnie killed herself. It sounds insane, but the hair marks my rebirth?and one of many steps I’m taking to what I hope will be a better life. I’m not sure Aedry will like it. I’m not even sure she’ll like me?not after everything I put her through.

Hell, who am I kidding? For all I know, she hates me.

It’s the reason I’ve been dragging my feet trying to find her. It wasn’t until this morning that I finally worked up the courage to go to the little cottage she’s renting and knock on the door. I stood there waiting, only for the little old lady watering her lawn next door to call to me.

“Hey, there,” she yelled. “Y’all lookin’ for Aedry?”

“Yes, ma’am,” I answered.

“She’s at her folks place a few miles past the farmer’s market.”

She made it sound easy, but we’re still looking for her, even with all those people we asked for directions.

My ride kicks up more dirt, slowing when Siri finally decides to make an appearance. “You have reached your destination,” she tells us.

“Is she serious?” Apollo asks.

To our left is a huge field, extending to a hilltop lined with trees. To our right is pretty much the same, except for an old barn near the road. I roll to a stop and set my ride in park, trying to figure out what to do, just in time for the barn door to swing open.

“Holy shit,” Gianno says, slowly. “Look at Aedry.”

My world grinds to a halt. Aedry steps out, carrying a basket tucked under her arm. The puppy I sent her bounces loyally beside her, wagging its tail.

“Good girl, Midnight,” she tells it.

Aedry’s dark wavy hair is longer, brushing against the tie of her red bikini top as she closes the door with her foot. She doesn’t bother to glance our way, walking down a small path, her tiny denim shorts clutching her ass as her cowboy boots dig into the mud.

Apollo shoves himself between our seats, trying to get one last view of her as she disappears behind the barn.

“What the hell are you looking at?” I snap, pushing him back.

“Sorry, Sal,” he says. “But damn. Did you see her?”

I let out a breath. “Yeah. I saw her.”

Gianno whips his head toward me, his eyes wide. “Don’t fuck this up, Sal.”