Koda’s thick brows knit together and every muscle on his hulking body clenches. I’ve challenged him. Leader or not, he can answer it. And bigger or not, he’s going down if he does.
Koda stalks around, ready to cast the first blow or the last, usually with good reason. Liam was the first friend he made and I was a close second. We’ve never come to blows. I hope today won’t be a first. Friends, real ones, should never have to fight like this.
Instead of prowling forward, he holds back, crossing his arms over his chest.
Gemini steps forward, his twin wolf taking a seat beside Koda. Koda is a hothead. Gemini always keeps his cool, the reasonable one when the rest of us are losing our minds. I think he’s taking my side. Until he speaks.
“I don’t like this, Aric,” Gemini says. He watches us closely, keeping his hands loose at his sides and his stance unthreatening, even as he says what he does. “What if she’s a witch? Witches can assume forms with potions and cast spells to ensnare you with their magic.”
I glance down at Celia. I’m not stupid, nor am I so blinded by her that I don’t give thought to what Gemini says. For all I know, this is some kind of mojo meant to confuse me. These feelings I sense swirling through my head and how my body reacts when we touch shouldn’t affect me the way they do. I only spoke to Celia a handful of seconds. But it’s like my wolf snaps his jaws at my reasoning and in the direction of my friends. He wants us to protect Celia. Like me, he senses her honesty.
“She’s not a witch,” I reply. “I’m sure of it.”
“What about a shapeshifter?” Koda suggests. “There’s a lot we still don’t know about them.”
“Shapeshifters require decades of blood sacrifices to their deity in order to gain the power to assume any form,” Gemini replies, saving me the trouble. “Celia is too young to have caused such damage.” He rubs his jaw, eyeing her closely. My wolf and I don’t like it. Gemini realizes it and drops his hand away, trying to appease me. “Besides, I don’t feel that darkness that’s supposed to accompany their kind.”
“How would you know?” Liam asks. “It’s not like you’ve ever met a shifter.”
“They carry the power of hell within them,” Gemini patiently explains. “You can’t carry something that menacing without our wolves noticing.”
The reminder gives the others something to chew on. Liam and Koda ease back. Gemini doesn’t, keeping his position and staring at Celia as if taken by her.
It takes some effort, but I manage to keep from growling.
Liam picks up a small stone and tosses it a few yards away. “I don’t know, man. I still think we should eat her.”
Celia makes a chuffing sound.
Liam frowns. “What was that?”
Celia does it again. This time louder.
“Is she laughing at me?” Liam asks.
I smirk. “It beats her trying to rip your throat out, like you deserve.” I lower her to the ground like I would a kitten, instead of the beast who made mincemeat out of my torso. “I’m going to let you go. Don’t run, okay? You’re safe here with us.”
Celia’s tail whips back and forth. She doesn’t trust me, but she needs to. I crouch down, meeting her eyes.
“Aric?” Gemini warns. “What are you doing? She’ll take it as a challenge.”
Ordinarily, he’d be right. To look anotherwerein the eyes is the equivalent of a shove and a pass to draw blood. “Celia isn’twere,” I remind them. I extend my hand slowly and stroke her head. Her fur is softer and different than mine, more like bits of cotton stretched out into tiny threads.
I’ve seen pictures of humans wearing fur coats of exotic animals and thinking them fools. But I suppose wearing a coat like this is the closest they’ll come to capturing the strength of the beast.
“Give us a chance,” I tell her. “By the looks of it, you don’t have many choices.”
She eyes me carefully with each pass of my hand. Man. I’m practically offering my hand as her next meal. Still, there’s a part of me that believes she won’t hurt me. Call me oblivious, but someone who blushes as much is she does isn’t going to maw first and ask questions later.
“What if we got you some clothes?” I ask. “Would that help?”
She cocks her head. “Hey, Gemini? Can you send your twin back for my pack? For our packs? I think Celia will be comfortable if we’re all dressed.”
Gemini looks to his wolf. “Go,” he instructs. “Don’t be long.”
Liam kicks at the dirt when he sees Gemini’s twin wolf take off in a sprint. “Do we have to get dressed?” Liam asks. “I have to air these parts out every now and then.” He motions down his body. “You hear what I’m saying? Some things need to breathe.”
Celia grimaces and turns away, staring out over the valley. “Liam, she’s a guest,” I say, trying not to laugh. “And from what I can tell, she’s seen enough of your parts.”