Page 17 of Gone Hunting

“I was impaled. Like I said, I’m fine.” He jerks his head to the side. “They’re not.”

My feet splash through the mud as I fall at Liam’s side. His alabaster skin is saturated with sweat and his eyes stare blankly at the overcast sky. “Why didn’t youcallfor help?” I ask.

“Our phones are dead,” Gemini says. “We howled like crazy. No one came. Between the distance and the earthquake, I’m not sure anyone can hear us.”

Gem’s hand passes along his twin wolf’s fur. The twin’s neck remains at an angle and his deadpan eyes dart back and forth.

Celia kneels beside them. “Why are you so sick?” she asks Gemini.

Gem motions to his twin. “He’s a part of me. I think we’re dying.”

“No,” Celia insists. “You and Liam were poisoned when your wolves bit that creature.” She looks around. “We have to get whatever you swallowed out. Can you throw up or something?”

Gemini shakes his head slowly, the effort appearing to rob him of his strength. His hand falls still over his twin. “It’s deep in our stomach. I feel it expanding. I thought it was blood.”

“No. It’s poison, like Celia says,” I agree. “We have to cut it out of you.”

Koda scans his surroundings. “A stick. We can sharpen a stick.”

“It won’t be enough,” I argue.

“Then I’ll bite through it!”

“And swallow the same poison we want to get out?” I snap. “You’re angry and scared, I get it. But we’re on our own and we have to play it smart.”

My attention falls on Celia, where she’s petting the wolf’s head. As her eyes assume that of her beast, I realize she already knows what I’m about to ask. That doesn’t mean she’s happy.

I kneel beside her. “We need something sharp,” I remind her. “Celia, I need you to cut open my friends.”

Chapter Five

Celia rises on wobbly legs that have nothing to do with hunger or weakness. She shakes her hands. “I need to wash my hands. They’re dirty. I can’t . . .”

The slow shake of my head causes her voice to trail. “Mud, dirt, bacteria—none of it will harm our system. But the skinwalker, whatever he left inside my friends, is killing them. You have to get it out.” My attention falls on the wolf. “Gemini’s twin goes first. He’s been infected the longest.”

“Can you tie his snout?” Celia asks. “He’s weak, but I’m afraid if he startles, he’ll try to bite me.” She wrings her hands. “My tigress won’t take kindly to anyone hurting us.”

“You have nothing to fear,” Gemini murmurs. “We would never hurt you.”

The muscles along my spine pull against the bone. I shouldn’t feel like this. Not now. I spit out a curse and refocus. “Koda and I will hold him just in case.”

Koda fixates on Celia. “Aric, you sure we should do this?”

“The only thing I’m sure of is that we’ll lose them by nightfall if we don’t.” I place my hand on his shoulder. “I trust Celia, Koda. I need you to trust her, too, so we can help our friends.”

Koda hesitates only briefly. He understands what’s at stake. “I’ll take the top half. If he puts up a fight, I’ll be the one he bites first. Aric, you get the legs.”

“Belly up?” I ask.

“Yeah,” Koda replies. “It will give Celia the best access.”

Gemini slumps to the right when Koda and I lift the wolf from his lap, his eyes closing.

“You want something to bite down on?” I offer.

“No,” Gemini slurs. “I need to guide you.”

We lay the large wolf where the muddy bank flattens out. His breathing is nearly imperceptible. I listen hard, exchanging a firm glance with Koda.