Page 77 of Once Kissed

Curran nudges me, leaning in close, but speaking loud enough for Killian and Sofia to hear. “They make it like they haven’t been together long, but don’t let them fool you. Kill’s loved Sofe since before he got pubes.”

Although the lighting is dim, I catch Sofia’s blush despite her efforts to shield her face with her small hands. Curran’s blunt remark doesn’t seem to bother Killian, but I guess he’s used to it. “We’ve known each other since we were kids,” he says, taking a moment to kiss her forehead. “We grew up together.”

“Oh, that’s so sweet,” I say.

As the tension lifts, Curran’s shoulders relax. It occurs to me that despite what he claimed, he’s nervous about me meeting his family. “Do you want something else to drink besides Coke?” he asks me.

I think about it. “A martini would be nice.”

He smirks and yells to the bartender pouring drinks. “Hey, Sonny. Could I get a martini over here?”

“Fuck you, Curran,” the bartender responds.

“Sonny says they’re all out of top-shelf liquor,” Curran says casually, causing Killian and Sofia to laugh out loud.

I laugh, too. “All right, cop. I get it. It’s a ridiculous request given where we are.”

Curran grins. “You sayin’ Merve’s ain’t a classy joint?”

I place my hand over his forearm. Curran tilts forward and gives me a small peck on the lips, widening my smile, and I swear I could look into his eyes forever. Yet when I return my attention to Killian and Sofia, their dumbfounded expressions cause me to blush.

“Ah, perhaps we should order,” Sofia suggests. “They’re busy tonight and I’m not sure if something’s keeping Wren and Finn.”

“Good idea,” Curran says, snagging the waitress hustling by. “Millie, can you get us next?”

“Curran, we’re down a waitress. Could you order at the bar? It’ll be ready faster, and then Sonny could bring it out.”

“Fuck you,” Sonny responds.

The waitress rolls her eyes. “Just be a dear and order, Curran. I’ll make sure it gets out to youz.”

Curran looks to us. “Wings, more beer, and nachos sound good?”

“Yeah. A few orders of pierogies, too,” Killian answers, reaching for his wallet. “I think it’s their special.”

Curran holds out a hand. “My turn. You got us last time.” To me he says, “I’ll be right back, babe. I’ll also see if Sonny can mix something up for you, okay?”

Although I nod, I almost offer to go with him, feeling nervous about being alone with his family. In the end, I realize I should try to connect with them. Curran means so much to me, and they clearly mean everything to him. Besides, they seem like good people, just a little surprised to see us together.

I wait for Curran to step out of earshot before speaking. “I take it Curran didn’t mention I was coming?”

“No,” Killian says, shaking his head. “He didn’t mention a damn thing.”

Oh.“Well, I hope it’s okay. I don’t want to intrude on your evening.”

Killian laughs. “Nah, don’t sweat it. It’s not like that.”

“We’re happy you’re here,” Sofia adds with a smile.

I start to settle when a young man with short ginger curls flops down next to me just as Curran reaches the bar.

“Goddamn,” he says. “You wouldn’t believe how bad traffic was uptown.” His attention drifts to me, a smile lighting his face. “Hey, sweet thing. I’m Finn. You a friend of Sofi’s?”

Killian fixes him with a hard stare. “No, she’s withCurran.This is Tess.”

“Hi,” I say, quietly.

Finn stares at my hand when I offer it, but doesn’t take it. “No, shit,” he says, sounding amused.