Page 75 of Once Kissed

“That’s not funny,” he growls.

“Holy shit, you went down in flames.”

“Shut up, Curran.”

“I mean like a fighter plane doused in gasoline, shot with a bazooka, into a burning field.”

“Are you done?” he asks.

I wipe my tears with the back of my hand. “No, dickless. Did it ever occur to you that she might actually be deaf? I mean, come on, Declan. Didn’t you learn anything from all those sensitivity classes you were forced to take? People have special needs—”

“No kidding—I know that.Fuck,I’m going to hell for this one.” He leans in close. “Look, I thought she was, you know, playing me. I’d never insult anyone like that, especially someone who has issues like her—”

“Issues?” I repeat, no longer laughing.

His face tightens. “Someone like her must have struggled. It can’t be easy being a non-hearing person in a hearing world.”

I throw out a hand. “Maybe if you would have started off with something more like that, you would’ve actually stood a chance at getting those legs wrapped around you.”

“I was going for charming,” he says, rubbing his face.

“No. You were going for someone you thought could hear that charm. Maybe you should have gone for sensitive. Then you would’ve had your ass spanked like you wanted to, instead of having it handed back to you.”

“Do you mind? I already feel like a big prick.”

“Well, you should.” I start to laugh again, but then back off when I see just how bad he feels. “Look. The important thing is you didn’t mean it.”

“Of course I didn’t mean it. I would never intentionally mistreat someone—especially a woman.” He curses again and glances in the direction she disappeared. “I should try to find her and apologize.”

“Nah. If it looks like you’re stalking her, it’ll only take you from asshole to creep and you’ll end up on some list. Trust me, if you want that promotion into Homicide, you’re better off just letting it go.”

“I don’t know,” he says, keeping his focus outside. “That was a total shit move, Curran.”

“Declan, relax. Say a few Hail Marys, donate your next paycheck to the church, and thank God that you’ll never see her again.”

He goes quiet. Real quiet, likely thinking things through. “Maybe you’re right,” he finally says. “Some things are better off left alone….”

Chapter 18


Curran flips on his right turn signal as I finish texting Declan with regard to the case file I was working on. As he makes the turn, I remind Declan to sign the documents I’d emailed earlier.

“Everything okay?” Curran asks.

“Yes. Just wrapping a few things up.” I try to keep my tone light, not wanting to give away exactly how much work I had to do in order to go out with him tonight. And I still have a few chapters to read in Administrative Law before I go to bed later.

I put my phone away and pull down the visor, fiddling with my hair in the mirror.

“Babe, you look great. Don’t sweat it.”

It’s the tenth time he’s said it, and like the first nine, I don’t believe him. “I just wish I would have dressed better.”

Curran laughs, stopping at the next light. “It’s a dive bar on a Thursday in sub-zero weather. If anything, you’re overdressed.”

I tug on my shirt, a green silk button-down. My pants are tweed, and my shoes more practical than cute. “It’s all I have,” I offer, apologetically.

“And it’s more than good enough. You look hot.” He hooks an arm over my neck and pulls me in for a kiss, but then the light turns and he has to stomp on the gas.