His fingers pass over my lips until I open my mouth and draw two in, licking, sucking, and sliding them in and out. He groans and pulls out, stirring my moans.
As I reach for him, he withdraws further, fumbling between our bodies and quickly replacing the condom while I continue to suck and moisten his fingers. My hands slap against the wood floor as Curran pushes back inside of me.
He pumps his hips against mine, slipping his wet fingers between my legs and circling, knowing where to go and how hard to rub.
Good heavens. It’s as if every nerve ending along my skin can sense his touch, his warmth, his need. His motions send me into a tailspin of desire. I’m no longer simply writhing or screaming, I’mclawingat the floor.
This time he lasts longer, his steady thrusts coming quicker, the movements of his hands faster. I thrash, losing all control—screaming, swearing, trembling.
And I could give a damn.
Curran soon follows, his throaty growls joining my cries. He slumps forward, gripping the edge of the couch to keep from landing on top of me. Gradually he slows to a halt.
“Jesus,”I whimper, so consumed with want I can barely speak.
He leans against me, chuckling against my ear. “You can just call me Curran,” he whispers.
Tess laughs as she bites into her bagel, courtesy of my morning’s coffee run following a pit stop to the drugstore for more condoms. Damn, what a night. She spreads out on her bed with just a sheet around her waist. She’s getting more comfortable being naked around me, which is fine by me. I don’t like her hiding that sweet body, especially now that I know it so well.
She laughs again. “I’m serious,” I tell her.
She takes a sip of her coffee. “I’m not laughing at you.”
“You’re laughing with me?” I offer.
Her shoulders shake as she tries to hold back. “It’s just that I’m having a hard time picturing you as an altar boy.”
“I didn’t say I was good at it, just said I did it.” I polish off my breakfast sandwich. “All my brothers did it. It’s something our ma expected. Just like she expected Wren to teach Sunday school.”
“And did she?”
“Of course, but on her own terms, just like the rest of us.” I reach for my coffee on the nightstand. “I gotta tell you. She abused her power. Told the little bastards they’d burn in hell if they didn’t listen to her. Me and my brothers would steal sips of the holy wine, and one time Seamus was caught making out with his girlfriend in the confession booth. Grammie refused to walk beside us, convinced God would strike us all dead when we’d least expect it and take her with us before her time.”
This time I join her in laughing. “I said we’re Catholics, Tess. I never said we’re good ones.”
I help her gather the trash, then pull her on top of me, gripping her ass tight so, you know, she doesn’t fall off the bed and get hurt. What can I say? I’m a hell of a guy.
She holds her hair away from her face so she can kiss the tip of my nose. I grin at her. If I didn’t think I liked her before, I sure know it now. “Are you on today?” she asks.
“Yeah.” I glance at her clock. “I got another hour, but I should leave soon.”
“Need new clothes and a shower.” I scratch at the side of my face. “Shave, too, by the feel of it.”
She sticks out her bottom lip. “I wish you didn’t have to leave. Can’t you just watch me here?”
I tug on that lip with my teeth. “You know I can’t do that.”
“I know, I just…” She plays with that smooth spot on my chin, the one that never did grow any hair. “You make me happy,” she whispers.
Yeah? Well, same here.One of those sensitive types in the movies would tell her as much. But I’m not one to spill my guts. “Good,” I say, quietly.
She lays her head against my chest, like she’s trying to keep me with her. I let her because she feels good, warm. But then I steal another glance at the clock. “I should go, angel face.”
She turns her head and kisses me, then slips off without another word, backing all the way to her bedroom window, the one that faces the wall of the other apartment. I’m not sure why she’s giving me so much space, until she crosses her arms and lowers her chin. Tess is…sad, all over again. She doesn’t want me to leave her. But she doesn’t understand it’s not so easy for me to walk away.