My hands link around his neck and my teeth graze his jawline, nibbling their way across and stopping below his ear. “Okay,” I whisper, biting on his lobe.
He curses. Twice. His grip to my hips tightening. “Scratch that. We can’t do more than this.”
“Mm-hmm.” So I do more of this.
“I have to be ready if something happens,” he mumbles.
He startles when my tongue slips inside his ear.
“We can’t get naked,” he insists through gritted teeth. Or at least he tries to.
He pulls me back to his mouth, this time more fiercely, his heart ramming hard against his rib cage and his hand skimming up to knead my breast.
My phone rings. Curran ignores it. I do, too.
But I shouldn’t.
The voicemail feature booms with Spencer’s voice. “Hello, Contessa. It’s Spencer, your date for the evening, but you probably already know that.” He laughs in that rehearsed way of his. “I look forward to seeing you. I’m expected by seven, so kindly be prepared by six-fifteen—oh, and Contessa, be prepared for a long night. I’m sure you have suitable lingerie you can surprise me with.”
He disconnects then. His call was brief, but the damage is done.
Curran pulled away at Spencer’s reference to a “long” night. Yet it’s Spencer’s final comment that sparks his fury and deepens his scowl. “What the hell is that about?”
His sudden anger catches me off guard and adds to the humiliation triggered by Spencer’s call. I slip away from his lap and stand, crossing my arms.
I try to offer an explanation, but I can’t find any words to justify Spencer’s disgusting remarks. Probably because none exist.
“Are you sleeping with him?” Curran demands, rising to his feet.
I raise my chin. “No.”
“But you plan to. Tonight, I take it?” He scoffs. “Come on, Tess. Don’t look at me that way. You asked for honesty. So I’m telling you the truth when I say I haven’t been with anyone since you. Don’t you think you owe me the same truth back?”
“I’m not going to sleep with him. I told you, I don’t even want to go to this function.”
“But you’re going, with some guy you claim is an asshole, knowing he’s expecting a lot more than your company.” He motions to the dress. “Did he pick that out for you?”
This time, it’s my anger that flares. “What are you accusing me of?” He squares his jaw. “I’m not some hired escort, if that’s what you’re implying.”
“No, I’m not. But let’s not pretend that any of this makes sense. You’re a grown woman. If you don’t want to attend this thing, don’t. If you don’t want to be with a man, you say no. If he shows, and you don’t want him here, I’ll throw his ass out on the street. And I could give a shit if he becomes the president of the goddamn world.”
He means well, but he doesn’t understand what could happen if I don’t attend this fundraiser.Five more months,I remind myself.Only five more months.“It’s not that simple, Curran.”
“Yes it is, Tess.” He closes the distance between us and strokes my chin until I meet his gaze. “Call him back. Tell him you’re not going. And stay with me.”
I swallow the lump building in my throat, but it does nothing to ease the sting in my eyes. “I can’t. I promised.”
His hand drops away. “Yes, you can. You just won’t.”
He marches away from me. I call to him, my voice pleading.“Curran.”
He stops directly in front of the door. “You don’t owe me an explanation or a commitment. But I don’t need to hear lies. You have a choice. If you’re choosing to be with him, it’s because you want to.”
I wait for him to shut the door before I allow the first of my tears to fall.
Chapter 14