My eyes drill into hers and my hips pound. Her fingers clench my shoulders as the heat between her legs builds, slicking me, inviting me to go faster. I tilt her head forward, bringing her face and that expression of shock mixed with lust closer to mine.
This is good. So good. And just what I need.
My arm slinks behind her to tilt her pelvis, giving me access to that perfect spot. She whimpers, letting me know I found it. And when her whimpers grow more desperate, I know she’s peaking.
It’s exactly what I need to hear. That, and maybe a little more.
“Are you going to come for me?” I ask, breathing hard.
Her response releases in a long moan.“Yes.”
“Then come for me now,” I gasp. “I need to feel you come.”
Her expression breaks and tears stream down her face. Her eyes squeeze shut and she thrashes, her body losing control as she cries out my name.
I slow my rhythm but drive in deeper, prolonging her experience, and mine.
God, she’s everything.
My hips grind against hers as I fill her. I kiss her lips, taking my time before pulling out.
Carefully, I edge down and lower my head between her breasts. Her heart pounds against my ear, proof that she didn’t die, that I haven’t lost her, and that she’s mine.
If I let myself, I’ll fall asleep and stay this way until morning. I’m sure of it. But I need to keep hearing that heartbeat.
When it finally slows, I feel her fingers skim through my hair.
“Tell me about your dream,” she says.
Chapter 20
“Please tell me,” Tess says, again. “By the way you lashed out, and the way you were yelling, it must have been horrible.”
My knuckles brush along the curve of her waist. “I can’t.”
“It was too much” is all I can say.
“Because it involved me?” She swallows hard when I don’t answer. “It’s okay if it did.”
“No, it’s not.” I stare at the pile of law books stacked on her dresser without really seeing them. “I can’t lose you, Tess,” I admit. We’ve been together for more than two months now, and while it doesn’t seem like a long time, I can’t picture her and me not being together.
Her hands splay along my shoulders. “I’m not going anywhere.”
“You did in my dream.”
Her hands stop moving. “It was just a dream.”
I shake my head against her skin. “No. It played out like the night Joey was shot. Only this time, you took his place. You took those bullets. I failed you, and because of it you died in my arms.”
My words should freak her out—hell, they freakmeout. But I couldn’t stop them from shooting out of my mouth.