Page 23 of Once Kissed

I hit the locks, allowing her into the passenger side. “What are you doing here, Lu? Your shift doesn’t start for another forty.”

She scrunches her small nose and gives me the once-over. “I’m here on account of you and me have a few things to cover.”

I straighten. “This about Joey?”

“Yup.” She waves me off when I start cursing. “Don’t get your thong in a bunch, O’Brien. The captain just wants me to check on you. See how you’re doin’.”

“I’m done talking. Did enough of it yesterday when Internal Affairs showed up.”

“Yeah, well, they’re just following procedure. Especially since the trial’s been moved up.”

“So I hear,” I mutter, knowing the county wants to get rid of this mess fast.

Lu taps the armrest, ignoring my scowl. “So, you gonna tell me how you are?”

“I’m fine.”

She stops drumming her fingers. “No, you’re not. You watched your rookie get shot to shit.”

“Don’t need reminding, Lu.”

She purses her lips and nods. “Actually, O’Brien, you sorta do. See, you and me, we kind of have this situation.”

I frown. “What situation?”

“We both need time.” She points to Tess’s apartment. “Take a look at where we’re sittin’. We’re in some goddamn senior citizen compound one EMS call from the morgue, watching some princess the mob’s not going to do shit to. You know why?”

“Enlighten me, oh wise one.”

“Don’t be a smartass, and pay attention on account of what I have to tell ya’s important.”

“Of course it is—” She smacks me upside the head hard enough to send my hat soaring into the dashboard. “Shit! What the hell, Lu?”

“You’re fucked up, O’Brien. You need the time this assignment’s offerin’ to screw your head on straight. Otherwise, five years from now, you’re gonna be that cop who goes down to his cellar and fires a round into his skull.”

I don’t like what she has to say, but that doesn’t mean I’m not listening. Suicide kills more cops than drug addicts and drive-bys.

She shrugs, the business of being a cop laying deep lines into her face. “Me, I need this gig to slide into retirement,” she says. “Six months, O’Brien. That’s all I have left before me and the old man hop in a Winnebago and leave the scum on the street behind us.” She rams her finger in my face. “I’ve had the shit knocked out of me by fat naked men with hairy asses, and dragged too many dead whores from the sewer. I’m done, O’Brien. But you, you’re just getting started. So take this time to get your shit together and maybe we’ll both make it to retirement in one piece.”

“Anything else?” I ask.

That earns me another smack upside the head. “Yeah. Don’t be an asshole, don’t get me shot, and don’t fuck the princess we’re supposed to be watchin’.”

Chapter 6


It’s late Friday night and snow’s dropping like the evil bitch she is. Meanwhile, Declan’s scribbling notes at warp speed and Tess is alternating between flipping through law books and scrolling through her iPad.

Montenegro’s third was set free. He wouldn’t talk, and there was nothing to hold him once his snitches disappeared.

“Deck, it’s late. Call it a night. We’ve been at this for hours.”

Declan stops scribbling, his face tighter than panties on a prom queen. “No,we’vebeen at this for hours. You’ve been sitting here watching.”

“Watching your ass, dipshit. You’re still alive, aren’t you?”

Tess focuses fully on Declan, like I’m not even here. Something she’s done a lot lately, and something that really pisses me off. “There has to be something we can bring to Judge Bronson so he can grant a search and seizure. Something we’re missing,” she insists.