“It is,” she says. “But I can’t make my tigress understand. She wants to run for miles like we used to.” She motions between the walkways separating the houses and toward the forest. “Aric is hoping she’ll be more content here since there are more places to openly roam. I guess we’ll see.”
Celia wants to comply and keep Aric from worrying. Yet the way her bare arms gather around her belly assure me she’d prefer to be home. She doesn’t have a lot of good memories of the Den. How could she? For too long theweresattempted to pry her and Aric apart, angry that his pure bloodline would be ruined by mating with my non-weresister. It was a horrible time for them, causing deep scars that will never heal. Just because she’s finally welcomed doesn’t erase the damage that was done.
“You’re going to love being my bodyguards,” Destiny says, bouncing along, her giant spray of feathers fluttering in the breeze. “I have so many fun things planned.”
“Like shopping for new clothes?” I offer.
“How did you guess?”
“I just know youloveyour outfits,” I reply through my teeth.
“I do, but that’s just the start. I booked dinner reservations at the Fawn and Pheasant and arranged for a helicopter to take us.”
“Yeah?” I ask. It shouldn’t surprise me. All the higher ups in the magical world possess some serious cash. I never exactly understood how they acquired all that money, be it dues or investments. Whatever the way, it’s not in short supply.
“I also have front row seats to see Johnny Fate later this week. I’ll get two more, for you and Shayna,” she tells Emme.
“Johnny Fate,” I say, slowly. “Isn’t he that freak who tours with all those loud and obnoxious garage bands?”
“He’s not a freak,” Destiny says.
“Yes, he is.” I huff. “Believe me, I know a freak when I see one . . .” My voice trails when I realize who I’m speaking to. “Sorry, girl.”
“For what?” she asks, appearing confused.
And cue the crickets.
I clear my throat and try to help Celia up the stacked stone steps when we reach the building. That goes over as well as you think. She hisses at me, her hormonal inner kitty apparently tired of being placated.
Destiny continues as if uninterrupted, and as if I didn’t come close to losing an eye. “Taran, please. I’m dying to go. There’s something about Johnny that just calls to me.”
“Calls to you?” I ask.
Her eyes develop a vacant stare. I watch her closely, wondering why she seems to slip away. “Are you feeling well?”
“Of course,” Destiny replies, her enthusiasm returning with a vengeance. “Just tired and excited to meet Johnny.”
I’m not sure I believe her.
She smiles, appearing delighted just as another pair of wolves appear in human form. They open the doors, encouraging us to pass. “Thank you,” Celia tells them. She starts to head in, but thewereswho escorted us refuse to leave. “As mate to your alpha, I thank you for your service and dismiss you to your remaining duties,” she adds.
They bow, retreating slowly and watching her as the doors shut.
Celia isn’t one for attention and I can tell she’s uncomfortable. She presses her back against the door, looking past the long winding staircase to where three morewereswait. “I’m sorry I hissed,” she says. “It’s been a long time since, you know.”
“Had sex?” I ask, wondering where she’s going with this.
Her face reddens and she glares at me. “I meant had any independence.”
“Oh, that makes sense.”
She covers her face, allowing her cheeks a moment to cool. When she drops her hands away the humiliation I caused is absent, leaving only her sadness. “I realize that my baby needs protection,” she admits. “And that Aric and I aren’t enough considering the threats surrounding us. Except it’s hard to accept that this is the turn my life has taken. Somedays, I’m so overwhelmed, I just want to flee with Aric and not look back.” She shakes her head. “But that’s not an option. Nowhere is safe.”
She seems close to tears, her sadness so tangible I’m ready to cry with her. But neither she nor I give in.
Emme steps forward, carefully wrapping her arms around her. “I’m sorry, Celia.”