We’re far from the arena. I can see it from the edge of the forest where we stand. Blue and white flames eat through the roof and the left side is partially collapsed.
“What happened?” I say, stunned by how quickly my fire has overtaken the building.
“Your arm’s magic and Johnny’s clashed when you obliterated that witch.” Gemini swallows hard. “I think it knew you were dying and reacted in turn, destroying part of the building and attempting to kill him.”
“And did I?” I ask, thinking back to the way Johnny screamed.
“No. He’s more powerful than we ever gave him credit for.”
After robbing Destiny of her magic and life, of course he is.
I glance around. The humans are gone, but even from where we stand, I hear them sobbing. Somewhere along the highway, a shit-ton of paramedics and firetrucks blast their horns.
People are hurt, many of them dead. Not that we’re better off.
Another enormous shifter stalks forward, this one a panther, licking her blood-soaked chops as she trails an army of neophytes and Johnny’s skull warriors.
Chapter Twenty-Five
The neophytes chant as one, their dark magic building along with their spell.
“Where are our witches?” I ask, the vile magic coating my tongue with its filth.
“En route,” Gemini says, crouching as his twin wolf snarls at his side. “They’re not as quick as Genevieve or Ines.”
“Figures,” I mumble.
“We’re out ofweres,” Gemini adds, his voice tight.
“Uh-huh,” I agree, my voice cracking as my inner heat gains momentum.
Gemini keeps his focus straight in front of him, growling when two wolves race ahead. They slam into an invisible barrier, writhing and whimpering in agony.
“What are you doing?” he yells when I start forward.
I frown, my gaze skipping from where he’s clasping me by the shoulder, back to his face. “The same thing I always do, baby. Getting ready to burn shit down.”
I whirl, a pipeline of spinning flames striking the witch in the center.
He detonates in chunks, that’s right, chunks. I was more careful with the amount of magic I used indoors. But we’re outside now, and no way are these bastards getting away with this.
The writhing wolves shake off their stupor, charging with Gemini and the remainingweres.
“Keep them off me,” I yell. “I’m going after Johnny. Emme, launch me!”
I stand tall, my left arm bent at my side and my right arm up a la Supergirl.
Emme stops running, glancing back at me. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, the nematodes are here to collect Johnny. We can’t let that happen.” I resume my Supergirl pose.
“They’re neophytes, Taran.”
I slap my hands down. “Like I give a shit, Emme.”
She cuts me off with a very irritated throw.
Screw Supergirl. Once more I’m screaming, and flailing, and certain I’m going to die.