Page 30 of Stalking His Claim


I look up, seeing James standing there. He gives me one of his easy smiles.

“Hey, James.” I give him a forced smile and keep walking. I start to feel dizzy. I pull my phone out and text Carly.

Change of plans.19ReedI push the button hard. I don’t care if it doesn't make the elevator come up faster, it still feels good. Rage courses through me as I stare at the dent I put in the door of the elevator. She left. Why?

I search my mind wondering what the fuck just changed. When I saw her I knew immediately that something was different. It was written all over her pretty face. Pain. I want to fix whatever has caused it. I close my eyes, trying to get myself under control, not understanding the rage.

Flashes of her being under me and smiling up at me flood my mind. Her arms wrapped tightly around me as though I was her everything. There was nothing but love in her eyes. How did it all disappear so quickly? She must have found out about all the things I’ve done. What a sick fuck I am. That my love for her borders on obsession. That I keep taking and taking because I’ll never get enough of her. I know I won’t ever be able to stop. She must know it now too. The thought of her being scared of me slices through me. I’ve done the one thing that I’ve tried to protect her from all of these years. Hurt her.

She was right in one aspect, though. There is no stopping me. It makes her running pointless. It is too late. The door opens and I step on the elevator, pulling my phone out from my pocket. I fire off a text. I have no one here to follow her. She is out there and I don’t have eyes on her. My phone vibrates in my hand when the doors open, setting me free to search the city for my girl. I’ll tear it down until I find her.

James: I’m following her.

Before I can call him he’s already shared his location with me.

Me: Don’t lose her.

James: I have a work meeting in ten so I’ll follow her for a few more minutes.

I’m going to fucking murder him. He answers before it rings.

“I’m fucking with you.”

“It’s not the time, asshole.”

“You’re a mean bastard for someone who needs my help.” I grit my teeth, hating that I need anyone’s help. I do everything myself. This is how you know things get done.

“Thank you,” I grit out as I hop into my car.

“I thought sex would loosen you up.”


“Who is this she’s meeting?” I know it’s not a man. I know it. Still doesn’t stop all the fucked-up thoughts that enter my mind. I push harder on the gas. “Cute girl. The one she’s meeting with, not Tinsley, so don’t break my nose when you get here.”

Carly. I’ve met her a few times before. Tinsley was happy she moved here so I was happy. The girl being here was another reason for Tinsley to stay. Another excuse for her to plant some roots here. I’d hoped to convince her that I was reason enough, but I’ll take all the help I can get. As long as it guarantees that she stays.

I hear him exit his car. He doesn’t say any more comments to piss me off. He’s either getting that I’m on edge or there is something he doesn't want to tell me.

“What’s happening now?”

“I’m in the store. Hold on.” The seconds tick by as I speed through traffic.

“Sorry.” I hear a girl's voice.

“Is that yours?” James asks the person. What the fuck is he doing?

“It’s in my hand, isn't it, big guy?” The woman laughs.

“Are you fucking hitting on someone?” I almost roar into the phone. If he loses Tinsley I’ll kill him, cousin or not.

“James. Did you follow me?” I hear my girl now. I don’t listen. I toss my phone into the seat as I throw my car into park, not caring that I double-parked, blocking part of the road. I run into the drug store. I hear someone shout at me. I ignore it. I ignore everything. The only thing that matters is getting to my girl.

When Tinsley sees me, her eyes go wide. Her eyes are red and I know she’s been crying. I go for her, but Carly steps in front of me. The bubbly girl that is always smiling and laughing looks like she’d put a knife right in my gut right now, then give me a smile afterwards.

“Come here, sweetheart. When you’re pregnant it’s not wise to stand in front of wild animals.” James say as he grabs Carly’s arm, pulling her to him, for once trying to temper my mood.

“Reed.” She says my name. A hitch in her voice.