Hale and I barely catch Becca in time when she hurtles herself forward. “You stopped being my friend when you screwed over the best person I know!” Becca yells. “Trin trusted you and you treated her like she was nothing. All because you couldn’t handleone manlooking at her instead of you!”
Hurt and something else flashes in that young woman’s face. Becca nailed her with something a lot of people can’t handle,truth. She whips around, the prick she came with shooting after her, but not before Becca screams, “You ever come in here again, you’ll be leaving with fewer teeth!”
At this point, Sean’s leading the crowd inGod Bless America. Although it should be funny, it isn’t. If that duos’ presence fired up Trin’s friends this bad, I can only imagine what they did to her.
“Trin’s been gone a long time,” I tell them. “We need to find her.”
“I can cover the bar if you want,” Mason offers. “I can’t mix drinks, but I can pour beer.”
He knows I want to go after her so I don’t hesitate, and take him up on the offer. The rest of us hit beach, splitting up and taking off in a sprint.
Sean and I cut left, we’re running pretty fast and calling her name. But even though he’s a lifeguard and in decent shape, he’s winded not long after we pass my place. I slow to a stop to give him a moment to breathe. By the looks of it, I’m not sure how much longer he’ll last.
“Sean, head back to Your Mother’s. Maybe Trin’s already there. But in case she’s not, I’ll keep heading this way.”
He shakes his head. “Hale and Becca would have called if she’s there.”
“Not if they’re still out looking for her,” I tell him.
“Good point,” he says. “But let’s make sure.” He fumbles through his shorts. “Shit, I forgot my phone. You have one?”
“Not on me.” I place my hand on my hips and think things through. “Remember that overturned rowboat we passed?”
“A few yards to the left of it, there’s a break in the trees that leads to my house. Go back to the bar in case Trin’s returned. But if you find her before then, and if she’s hurt or something, take her back to my place and use my phone to call for help.”
He frowns. “Shit. You don’t think anything happened to her, do you?”
I hope not, but that’s not what I tell him. “Just thinking like a soldier, is all.”
Sean seems satisfied with my excuse and edges back. “Okay. But she wouldn’t have gone all the way to her post. So if you hit that section of beach and don’t see her, head on back.”
“I will.”
I take off running again. There are a few couples walking along holding hands, but no Trin. When only about half a mile remains between me and her post I pause and look around.
“Damn it. Where are you?”
I turn back toward Your Mother’s, out of my mind with worry. I don’t think I jog more than a few yards before I see a familiar figure break through the water’s surface. With the poise of a mermaid, she flips her hair back, sending it soaring over her head in an arch to smack against her shoulder blades as the waves sweep against her tiny waist in their rush to return to sea.
Moonlight drenches her skin with its glow as she abandons the ocean, her head high, her small, lean muscles gracefully moving her forward, and salt water trickling along her curves. Without realizing, I’m almost to her, knowing who she is, and drawn by her magnetic pull.
She whips around, my eyes widening when I realize only a tiny pair of black panties and bra cover that sweet,wetbody.
Holy shit.
“Callahan?” she asks.
I jerk my head to the side, feeling myself get very hard, very fast.
She hurries toward me. “What are you doing out here?’
“Shouldn’t I be asking what thehellyou’re doing?” I snap.
She stops in front of me. “Did you just growl at me?” she accuses.