Chapter Nineteen
Danny hadn’t slept a wink last night.
She wished it had been from tossing around in the sheets with Adrian, but instead, she’d collected the desert rose from the floor and placed it in a bowl with the remaining clods of dirt. They’d then hopped in his car and headed for his house. Her father might know where she lived, but she’d only been to Adrian’s house once before Kyle Peterson arrived in town, so it was a safer alternative. Adrian called out of work for the next couple of days on emergency leave, a gesture that settled in her core.
Despite the myriad uncertainties in her life, Adrian continued proving himself to be the solid earth she’d always dreamed of.
The scent of coffee wafted her way as he placed a fresh mug in front of her. “Figured we could use some while we brainstorm.”
He sat across from her at his pine kitchen table, a place where she could imagine herself spending mornings far too easily. Everything about Adrian was familiar, and not because they happened to be best friends back in high school. No, she understood him better than anyone she’d ever met. Back when she was a geeky bookworm and he was the track star, their trappings never mattered, because they’d always seen each other’s truths from the start.
They’d been two souls yearning to set down roots, even then.
His cat, Obi-Wan, strutted around, stopping several times in front of her to sniff her hand. Danny ran her fingers through the soft tan fur, enjoying the gentle thrum of a purr. The cat looked at her with bright curiosity, eyes wide and gleaming as he swished his tail back and forth.
Danny lifted the mug of coffee to her lips, taking the first steaming sip as she tried to stave away the hazy fog due to lack of sleep. Still, the truth out between them lightened some of the crushing pressure she’d felt since her return to Charleston. For the first time in far too long, embers of hope stirred that her future might contain more than an endless carousel of new places and faces.
“You are a miracle worker,” Danny proclaimed, taking another sip of coffee. “If you need real sleep instead of the faux-caffeinated replacement, get some. I won’t run out the back door…yet.”
Adrian shook his head, fixing her a “no nonsense” look. “Have you known any other doctors? If I wasn’t a pro at living off zero sleep, I would’ve never made it through med school. I’m in this with you, sleeplessness and all.”
Danny frowned as her gaze landed on the purple bruise marring Adrian’s forehead again. He had gotten in danger because of her, but now he wouldn’t be safe until the Feds cuffed Kyle Peterson. Danny would never tell Adrian, but that worry for him gave her the bravery to stand up to her father at long last. She’d been hiding behind changing names in new apartments for so long while her father snuck through the States, claiming life after life. At least, until he’d arrived here dead set on murdering her. The Feds expected her to bolt to the next town on their cue, but if she dashed off again and her father targeted Adrian? She couldn’t live with herself.
She leaned forward, bracing her elbow against the table as she brushed her fingertips across the bruise. “I’m sorry you got caught up in this.”
Adrian shook his head. “No apologies. I made my choices, and I choose you, darlin’.” His husky drawl reminded her of home so much her soul hurt. She didn’t regret her admission last night in the slightest because truth be told, she had loved Adrian Dukas all along. No other man left a stronger imprint on her, and no man ever would.
“I want you to know,” she said, tapping the side of her mug as she stared into the depths of her coffee, “if I ever get the chance to be normal…if I’m ever not on the run…” She sucked in a sharp breath, trying to avoid all the broken glass inside. Those hopes were secrets she kept close to her heart, ones the years of cynicism hadn’t quite beaten out of her. She met his eyes, and it nearly knocked the breath out of her. The sight of him caused her breath to hitch, his broad jaw, sharp nose, and olive skin that made her want to sink her teeth in all over again.
Danny summoned her courage, holding his gaze. “I want to stay here. I want to be with you for however long you’ll tolerate me. Given my habit of blaring electronica at late hours of the night, probably not long.” Her tongue dried on the joke, her skin prickling like she’d coated herself in rubbing alcohol.
Adrian reached across the table to grab her hand, the simple touch grounding her. His gaze didn’t waver, even once. “I’ve been wanting you from the moment I met you, and despite the time apart, I only want you more. Better be careful about making promises of commitment with me though,” he warned, a slow smile rolling to his lips. “I’m a whore for long-term relationships, remember? You might find yourself stuck with me for good.”
Tears stung her eyes even though she fought them back. Settling down was all she’d wanted for far too long, a ray of sunlight that remained through years and years of rain. And if she got to share a future with Adrian, she would consider herself to be the luckiest woman on the planet. Her stomach squeezed tight, the hope hurting too much to bear.
If her life to date proved any indication, none of those dreams would come to life. Danny needed to focus on what she could do now.
What she wanted to do was face her father with her pistol in hand and fire round after round until the monster dropped dead.
Danny’s phone began to ring.
The blood leeched from her veins as she pulled it out of her pocket, feeling the vibration in her hands. Only one person could be calling right now, which meant she’d run out of time to decide her course of action. Do or die.
She met Adrian’s gaze, his steady look bolstering her. Even Obi-Wan sidled over to rub against her leg as she answered the call.
“Hello?” She gripped the phone so tight her knuckles turned white. Taking on her father by her lonesome wouldn’t just endanger herself, but Adrian. What was she thinking? The Feds had kept her alive up until now, and this was the closest they’d gotten to catching her father.
She couldn’t risk them failing.
“Kyle Peterson is in Charleston,” Eve said on the other end of the line. A click sounded as her handler hung up. Not like they needed to extrapolate—they’d explained their expectations.
“Was that the call?” Adrian asked, his tone composed. Too bad his eyes bled emotions as turbulent as a stormy sea.
“They’re expecting me to hop in Bella and drive off now,” she said, rubbing her thumb over the screen of the phone again and again. “If I don’t show at the meet-up spot within a couple of hours, they’ll know I defied their directive. That or they’ll think my father caught up with me.”
“Whatever you want to do,” Adrian murmured, turmoil etched on the crease between his brows. She’d known him long enough to understand what this cost him, how Adrian’s sense of control went hand in hand with his desire to help others, to fix problems. And ever since she’d crashed into his life, her situation managed to strip them both of it.
Danny’s stomach churned. It wasn’t just about disobeying her handlers. What turned her bones brittle was the idea of looking once more into Kyle Peterson’s dead eyes. She had never encountered a more terrifying person in her life, and some nights the idea they shared DNA made her vomit. Capturing her father meant more than unlocking her own future—she’d prove she could do something to balance the scales of his horror show.