Chapter Fourteen
As if the way she’d disappeared with Finn hadn’t made his stomach drop like a rollercoaster, the second he rolled up here he saw the bastard standing there sharing a cigarette with her. Dax couldn’t help but see red. His fingers itched for one good swing, but before he could launch himself at the Red Rock beta, the alpha stepped in the way. Sierra jutted her right hip out like she always did when her stubbornness took the wheel, and based on the way her brows drew together, she’d turned into immovable granite.
He snarled before he could help himself. Everything about this was stupid and insecure. Jealousy hadn’t been his MO for a long time, not since his young, testosterone-fueled years. The thump-thump-thump between his ears created a war charge he found impossible to ignore. His mountain lion paced in his chest, demanding to mark his territory.
“Dax, calm the hell down,” Sierra snapped, her voice drawing him to front and center. “Finn needed to know what was going on between us because he’s my beta.”
“And what did you have to say on the subject?” he asked, his voice lower than normal. Despite the way he fought to rein in his temper, he couldn’t quite swing unaffected and glib with his normal ease.
Sierra uncrossed her arms and stepped closer, reaching out to put a hand on his shoulder. At her touch, the pacing calmed, and the thunder in his vision quieted. “I told him we’re potential mates. However, if you’re going to get your panties in a twist every time I talk to a male, we’re going to have a problem.”
His hormones still raged from the fight and from the potential one that had been averted. She stood before him with a serious look in her eyes, oblivious to how fuckable the slope of her ass was, how goddamn sexy the firm lines of her lips were. He reached out, spearing his fingers through her hair and yanking the strands back to seize control. Fuck this dance. If he didn’t get his hands on her, he would go insane.
Dax descended, claiming her lips in one sweep. He drank in her honeyed taste, spice and smoke on her lips from her lager and cigarette. She let out a low moan, her tongue slipping out to slide into his mouth. He devoured her without hesitation, his one hand fisting her hair while he trailed the other down the tantalizing slope of her waist. Not like Sierra was some meek, melting thing. Her nails sank into his pec, the other hand curled around his nape as she kissed just as hard, crashing against him with the fury of the tide.
She pulled back to gasp for breath. “Dax, we shouldn’t—no way in hell are we going the full way without a goddamn conversation.”
“I’ve had it to here with talk,” he growled, unwilling to drop this sort of passion yet again. He leaned in, and his teeth brushed against her ear before he nipped down. “If we’re not going to fuck, then I’m at least going to taste you,” he murmured.
Her eyes widened and began to glitter with mischief, the sort that made her smoky looks smolder. “I can get behind that,” she said, glancing over to the parking lot. “Though I think we’re blocking the entryway.”
At least a handful of members from both of their packs milled around the parking lot by the cars, maintaining their distance. Dax smirked, entertained by the glances sneaked their way. His lion brimmed with pride at the public way he’d staked his claim, even if the human side of him would rather keep their time private. He controlled his impulses, though his lion wanted him to mount her in this doorframe, onlookers be damned.
“Let’s take this somewhere else,” he said. Sierra took charge, tugging him forward with force that surprised him.
“You might as well enjoy the effort we put in setting up for at least a second,” Sierra muttered as they entered the Beaver Tavern. A couple of folks loitered around the pool table, and at least three Red Rocks sat at the bar with Seamus behind the taps. Finn stood beside him, freezing when he caught sight of Dax.
Dax widened his smile, baring his teeth. The urgency to tear the man’s head off was drowned by the need he had right now to drag Sierra in the back and taste every inch of her. They’d done up the tables with some confetti, and streamers hung from the ceiling in lines of neon blue and engine red.
“You did this for me?” he asked, winding his arm around Sierra’s shoulders. “I’ll have to think of some way to repay you.” His voice grew husky with intent, one mirrored in her eyes as they darkened in desire.
“Finn,” Sierra called, drawing her beta’s attention. “I’m nabbing the back office for a hot second.”
Finn’s gaze traveled from Dax to Sierra and the arm he had around her before realization dawned on the beta’s face followed by a slow smile. “Enjoy yourselves.”
Sierra maneuvered past the bar to the back room where a mess of steam drifted out of the dishwashers, and the kitchen counters sprawled out to line the rest of the room. A younger guy worked at the sinks. Her grip didn’t falter around Dax’s once, and together they made their way to the adjoining office. When they entered, Sierra locked the door behind them and flipped down the wooden blinds with a snick that echoed through the room.
“Finally,” he breathed, beginning to circle her with his predatory instinct in high gear. She leaned against the massive oak desk that took up most of the room, piled high with papers. Tension descended between them with the heaviness of an oncoming storm. Sierra’s dusky gaze was glued to him as he paced in front of her, ready to pounce. The amber light streaming through the slats competed with the single lamp in the corner of the room, the rest of the place devoured by shadows.
“You going to keep dancing in front of me?” she asked, her brow lifted and the corner of her mouth quirked up. Her scent, cinnamon and smokes, enflamed him, drawing him in like an elixir. The way her hips jutted forward made him salivate, her jean shorts revealing an ample amount of bronzed skin. Dax stopped his back-and-forth, stilling as their eyes locked.
He prowled toward her and slammed his hands against the desk on either side of her. A growl came from deep in Sierra’s throat, one that vibrated through the air around them. This was one woman who wouldn’t go gently into the night, who would fight as furiously as he did. Her dark eyes sparked with rebellion as she stared at him, their faces and their bodies braced mere inches apart. This close, her hot breath puffed against his cheek, those full lips beckoning him yet again.
Before he could lunge forward and claim her, she surged up to crash against his lips.
He wrapped his hands around her waist, slamming against her with enough force to make the desk shake. Papers fluttered to the floor as he pressed her to the surface, running his hands along the slope of her waist to her hips as he hoisted her all the way onto the desk. She circled her thigh around his side while she ran a hand up and down his pecs, the scrape of her nails against his muscles the sort of sensation that traveled straight to his cock.
They kissed to a fast and furious beat, gasping for breath before diving back in again. The feel of her lips against his created a sinful surrender he couldn’t get enough of. Sierra tugged his undershirt up, and he tossed it over his head to smack against the floor. Even though his erection strained the seam of his jeans, he’d keep himself in control. After dancing around this for so long, he needed some sort of satiation before he drove himself off the ledge.
“Enough of these,” he murmured against her lips as he flicked open the button of her shorts. She shimmied out of them, and the heavy fabric dropped to the ground. The sight of her sitting on the desk—tank top rumpled with her lickable midriff exposed and a black, lacy thong the one thing keeping him from her—dosed him with lust. A growl started deep in his chest, the pounding intensifying as need overtook him. He sliced the sides of her panties with the edge of his claw, and the flimsy fabric floated off, exposing her drenched pussy.
He sank to his knees in front of her, Sierra watching his every move with her desire palpable in the air. The movement caused her thighs to tense in anticipation, and her pert tongue glided over her full lips. In one swift motion, he tugged her by the legs to the edge of the desk. Her heels hooked against his shoulders, and her knees bent as she exposed more of herself.
Dax leaned forward with a first tentative lick. Her thighs tensed at the motion, her heels digging into his traps. She tasted honey sweet, her nectar glistening as he began to lap at her pussy. Each stroke was slow enough to elicit a moan as he hyper-focused on the details, his erection growing thicker and heavier while he tasted the heaven between her legs. A moan came from her lips as he explored with feline patience, the cat satisfied by this brand of play.
“You bastard,” she cursed when he flicked the tip of her clit with his tongue, finding a rhythm as he thrummed at the sensitive skin. Her hips bucked up as she ground her pussy against his mouth, her fingers gripping tightly around the edge of the desk.
“You’ve got a filthy mouth, Kanoska,” Dax murmured before plunging his tongue inside her center.