Page 93 of Hot to Trot

She pushed her hair back."You are the biggest idiot in Howard County. Don't you know the hero always comes for the girl?"


He begged his brain to click, whir, and figure out what in the hell she meant. Maybe he was an idiot. Maybe he'd always failed at relationships because he didn't understand women. Especially not the rather complex one glaring at him.

"You wanted me to stop you from achieving your dream?"

She crossed her arms. "No, I wanted you towantto stop me."

“I did. I do, but I don't understand. I thought-"

She pressed a finger over his mouth. "Stop. Aunt Fran was right. I'll have to do everything in this relationship."

She pulled her hand away.

He stared, not sure what to do. She no longer cried. Instead she looked aggravated, yet pleased with herself.

"Let me ask you something." She tossed her hair over her shoulder. "Do you care about me?"

He swallowed. Did he care about her? How could she ask that? Was it love? He wasn’t sure. But it was a constant pressing in his chest, sort of like indigestion. And the ever-present yearning for her smile, her laugh, her cranky frown when shedidn't approve of something he said. He thought about her night and day, wondered where she was, who she was with. Was that love? “Of course I do. You know that.”

“Do I?”

“Yes. I…care about you.”

"You don't sound sure."

"No, I'm sure. It might even be close to lo-”

"Good," she interrupted. Then she slapped him.

“Holy shit. What in the hell?" He grabbed his cheek, bending over, because she’d put a lot into that.

Scarlet strolled toward his police car. He watched as she placed her hands on the trunk and spread her legs. "I intentionally assaulted you. Are you going to arrest me now?"

He straightened, fighting against the aggravation rising inside. “Are you out of your damned mind?"

"Yes. You not only stole my heart, but you also wrecked me mentally. So, come here and frisk me."

He stalked toward where she stood. ''Scarlet Rose, stop playing games and tell me what is going on in that beautiful, but also scary, head of yours. Why are you doing this?"

She rolled her eyes. "If you arrest me, I can't be at an audition, can I? I'd probably have to do more community service."

Then the reason for Scarlet's whole fabricated call and ensuing slap hit him. She wanted him to arrest her.

He stared at her trying to process what was happening. And then he couldn’t stop it. He laughed. “You are the most over-the-top woman I've ever had the pleasure of-"

"Pat me down. I could be packing heat."

"Oh, you're packing heat, all right.” He tried not to smile but failed. He hadn't felt too much true happiness in his life. Life mostly felt like business, with no time for gut-wrenching laughs and silly daydreaming beneath the glow of fireflies. Scarlet Rosehad changed that the minute she'd asked him to kiss her. And she'd cemented it into his heart by coming back to Oak Stand, choosing him over a role as a bisexual hooker.

He pulled the handcuffs from his belt.

"You're going to cuff me?"

"You're dangerous," he said, clipping one cuff around her left wrist. "Besides, I thought you liked being cuffed."

"Only if they are lined with fur," she said, as he snapped the other over her right wrist. Now her hands were immobile. Exactly what he wanted. Scarlet at his mercy. His mind tripped to his thoughts after the first time he'd ticketed her, the way she'd arched over the car, tempting him, and the way he'd guiltily desired to have her under his control.