“Why would you be sorry?”
“You were dating him.”
Kate grinned. “Among others. Brent was never a guy I intended to be serious with. He’s a good guy though. Deep down under his…” She waved a hand in front of her face, “whatever mask he’s wearing.”
Nellie didn’t look convinced. “You always say that.”
Kate shrugged. “I believe it.”
Nellie turned her attention back to Rayne. "I hear Brent's doing work on your aunt's bed-and-breakfast. He did the kitchen in Tucker House. Did a good job."
It was an open invitation to discuss a myriad of things - the renovation of the inn, her reason for being in Oak Stand, and Brent's role in all of the above. But Rayne didn't want to talk about Brent any longer. This whole night was too much and she was tired of pretending to enjoy it. "Lots of conversations start withI heararound here, don't they? Like people don't have anything better to do."
“Sorry, Rayne. I wasn't prying. Just trying to shift the conversation away from something that obviously made you uncomfortable. Another thing we are polite enough to do around here." Nellie lifted her chin.
It was Rayne's turn to feel bad. “Ugh, I’m sorry. Not used to standing around chatting. I'm used to running a kitchen. No one questions me there.”
Nellie flashed a gracious smile. "That must be nice. All I get are questions all day long from my daughter.” Nellie's voice assumed the plaintive whine of a toddler. "'Momma, why can't I have jelly beans for lunch? Momma, why’s that man walking with a cane? Momma, why does that dog smell the other dog’s behind. All day long, every day."
Kate wrinkled her nose. “Kids should be shipped off to boarding school at age three and brought back when they can carry on a semi-intelligent conversation. Is that about eighteen years old?"
“I could never do that,” Nellie protested.
"Well, don't tell me there aren't days you want to pack that chattering three-year-old off to camp or something? She's got more to say than a preacher. Or a lawyer. Or a late-night talk show host."
Nellie laughed. “Maeisa bit precocious."
"You think?" Kate smiled, making it obvious she respected the chatty Mae Darby.
Meg reappeared and lowered her voice. "So how much longer we gotta stay here? I nearly got hives when they started talking about cracked nipples."
Kate's mouth twitched. "I think I'm in love with your assistant, Rayne. Can she come over and play sometime?"
Meg gave Kate a droll look. "You know, I’m bisexual and you’re pretty hot.”
Kate’s eyes widened before she started laughing. “You sure you wanna play with me? Because Bubba had lots to say about you being very into guys. Big guys.”
Nellie looked like she'd swallowed a fish and snapped, “Kate!”
Meg lifted a well-shaped eyebrow over one kohl-rimmed eye."Oh, so Bubba likes to kiss and tell, huh? Next time I’ll give him something really good to tell y’all. Let you married women live vicariously."
“Gross,” Nellie said, making a face.
Kate looked delighted. "Ilovethis girl."
Brandi floated back their way, her lapdog Stacy right on her heels. Kate gritted her teeth or was that baring her teeth.
Brandi laid a perfectly manicured hand on Nellie's arm. A diamond bracelet glittered in the track lighting over the mantel. "So glad you could stop by, Nellie. Oh, and you brought Katie. Never a party without her."
Kate's smile could have shattered glass. "Says the Kappa Sigma keg stand champion of 2014.”
Brandi forced a laugh. "Still bitter I beat your time?"
Kate showed her teeth again. "Nah, it was a perfect record to set on theGirls Gone Wildvideo. Your boobs look good upside down."
"Meow," Meg murmured, drawing a nervous laugh from Nellie.