Best. Birthday. Ever.


“HERE YOU GO.” I HANDED Holly a mug of steaming-hot peppermint cocoa with a note attached to it. She was looking particularly sexy in her flannel onesie, especially by the low glow of the Christmas tree lights.

“Thank you.” She grinned at me in my onesie.

I joined her on the sleeping bag she’d placed near her Christmas tree just moments ago, after putting on her favorite festive movie,White Christmas.

Holly read the note out loud. “It was love at FROST sight. You are the sweetest, and I love it.” She carefully leaned over, making sure not to spill her hot chocolate, and kissed my cheek. “I do wonder, though, what happens after Christmas is over tomorrow and you can’t google cutesy Christmas sayings.”

“Don’t worry. I googled sexy things to say to your girlfriend, so I’m covered.” I wasn’t ashamed to admit this was true. After all, it had won me the girl. Even if my mom was taking credit for it.

Holly giggled. “I can’t wait. Except we probably won’t be working together for much longer.”

Come January, I would move into my executive VP of sales role. While I looked forward to the challenge and promotion,I would miss working closely with Holly. “I might have some news to make you feel better on that front.”

Holly set her mug down on the floor next to us. “I hope this means I won’t be Jason’s new BDR.” She shuddered at the thought.

“Absolutely not.” I would never allow that to happen.

“Thank goodness.” She breathed a sigh of relief. “So, what’s the news?”

“Dad has been talking to our corporate attorneys, and they’re interested in you clerking for them once you get accepted into law school. In the meantime, my dad has some special projects he’d like to use you for. It would mean a raise, of course.”

“Are you serious?” she squealed.

“Yes. Very.”

“Oh my gosh.” She threw her arms around my neck. “I can’t believe it.”

“Well, believe it.” I embraced her. “You deserve it.”

Holly rewarded me by grazing her lips across mine, tempting me, always tempting me. Happy I didn’t have to resist any longer, I took her into my arms and paused a moment to gaze into her enlivened eyes. Her happiness was my own. When she licked her lips and parted them, I could no longer resist. My hand tangled in her hair, drawing her lips to mine. A faint sigh escaped her before my mouth tenderly and slowly moved over hers. Holly pressed her fingers into my chest and brushed her tongue across my lips, igniting the passion between us. I deepened the kiss and savored the taste of peppermint and hot chocolate mixed with her natural sweetness. My hand moved down the curve of her body and gripped her waist, making her gasp. I loved feeling every pulse of her breath as her abdomen contracted and released.

Minute after fiery minute, I reveled in the frantic pace of the kiss. There was no getting enough of her. But eventually the kiss slowed, and Holly released my lips before leaning her forehead against mine. Our heavy breaths lingered between us, speaking our feelings for each other louder than words.

I loved her and wanted her.

“If we don’t stop, I might have some awkward explaining to do if my dad comes out here,” Holly said between staggered breaths.

I’d almost forgotten Dr. Harry was in his bedroom. “I’m sorry I got carried away.”

“Don’t be. It’s my favorite.”

This was why she wasmyfavorite.

Holly settled in my lap with her head against my chest as Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye serenaded us in the background.

“Do you think Christian would have slept under the tree with us now?” Holly asked.

“Definitely. He would want to make sure that what just happened never happened.”

“I miss him,” her voice hitched.

“I do too. But I’m finding his memories to be more comforting than haunting now.”

“I’m glad. I know he would want you to smile when you think of him. You were his brother.”