“I’m up to the challenge,” I assured her. Although croissant bread did sound amazing. Where could I find that?
She swayed a bit and looked down at her boots. “So, is this like a date?”
I suppose I should have made that clear. I tugged on the sleeve of her sweater and drew her closer to me.
Her gorgeous head lifted until our eyes met.
I gently swiped her bangs. “I should have properly asked ahead of time, but will you go out with me?” Nerves coursed through me like never before, making my palms sweat. It wasn’t every day you got to ask out the girl of your dreams at Costco.
“Well, seeing as you are my ride home and you’re buying me ice cream ...” Her beautiful, devious eyes lit up. “I suppose I could go on a date with you.”
I tugged her closer. “I’m glad to hear that because tonight we start revisiting Christmas.”
“How?” she whispered with some trepidation.
“You’ll see.” I leaned in and kissed her head. I yearned to kiss her lips, but I could hear my wingman yelling at me to proceed with caution. And the whole admitting-to-purposely-breaking-her-heart thing would put a damper on it.
“Okay. You know, I’ve always had this fantasy I would meet some handsome, eligible guy in this aisle who shared my affinity for dried mangoes.”
I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her, soaking in every part of her, from the way her breath stilled for several seconds before she allowed herself to relax and snuggle into me, to the way her hair smelled like mint shampoo. It was the perfect start to our date. “I hope I’m that guy.” There I went, prematurely blurting again. But it was true. Every word.
“So far, so good. Assuming you buy some mangoes.” A smile was apparent in her voice.
“I wouldn’t dream of leaving the store without them.”
She leaned away, blushing and brimming with both anticipation and hesitation.
I hoped to remove any hesitations she might have. I knew it was going to take some time. “Should we check out? I’m eager to flash my new Costco card. I hope I do it right.”
“Make sure you do. I don’t want you to embarrass me,” she teased.
Before I forgot, I grabbed a couple of bags of dried mangoes. “I’ll do my best.” Meaning in every way possible.
She nodded as if she understood.
We proceeded to the checkout lanes along with dozens upon dozens of other patrons. It took so long, we were able to share an entire ice cream before we even made it to the conveyor belt. Unfortunately, I flashed my card too early, but Holly let them know I was a first timer and all was forgiven. Once we survived checkout, we loaded up my Land Rover and the real fun began.
Holly turned toward me as soon as we hit 470. “Where are we going?”
“How do you feel about miniature golfing at a Christmas tree lot?”
“Are you for real? That’s a thing?”
She giggled.
“The real question is, how do you feel about getting a Christmas tree after I beat you at mini golf?” I said with too much bravado.
“Wow.” She blew out a large breath. “I guess if we are going to properly revisit Christmas, we need a tree.” Her failure to mention my beating her at mini golf spoke to how big of a deal getting a tree was to her.
“I think it’s a rule.” I glanced at her before switching lanes. Worry lines marked her features. “We don’t have to go too crazy. We can start with a small tree.” I tried to lighten the mood, hoping to make her more comfortable.
“It will need to be small to fit in my living room. I never imagined one there.” She wrung her hands together.
I reached over and rested a hand on her thigh. “I know this is a big step for both of us, but I’m glad we’re doing it together.”
“Me too.” She placed a delicate hand over mine.