I smiled, remembering how he’d vexed me in both the most aggravating and best ways from the very beginning. He was right—there had always been a spark between us. “You can’t judge me for that note. It was my first one and not my finest hour.” I think that was the first time we’d ever acknowledged the notes out loud. It broke one of our unwritten rules. Maybe it was time to break them; time to move past the hate.
“It wasn’t bad, but you definitely honed your craft over the years.”
“I suppose I did.” I was pretty proud of the hate I could spew—not sure that was a good thing.
“Please, Holly, let me change your mind about me. There areimportant things I need to say to you. Things I should have said a long time ago, but couldn’t. Or at least I thought I couldn’t.”
“Just say them.” You know, since unbeknownst to him, he already had. I continually wondered if I should let him know. But how does one say,Hey, by the way, I know you’re in love with me? That seemed like something you should let someone tell you when they’re ready. More importantly, when I was ready to hear it.
“I can’t. Not until you believe I’m no longer your enemy and I quit saying all the wrong things to you. I didn’t mean to upset you earlier. I just can’t believe this job is what you really want.”
“It’s not,” my voice cracked. “But’s it what I needed at the time. You don’t know what I’ve been through.”
“You’re right, but I want to.” He paused before grinning. “I think we should remedy this situation if you are amenable. Perhaps we should spend more time together. Outside the office,” he added nervously.
“That sounds dangerous.” Because I already wanted to tell him everything and more.
“Very,” he agreed.
“What would we do?”
“I have some ideas,” he crooned way too sexily.
“Well, I’m kind of busy. I have yoga classes to go to and Costco runs to make. Oh, andFriendsreruns to watch.” I tried to resist even though in my heart I knew it was a lost cause. Brandon helped me feel like myself, and I missed that girl. So much.
“I’ve been meaning to try out yoga and get a Costco membership. What do they have at Costco?” He laughed.
“Enormous bags of dried mangoes.”
“I like mangoes.” He ran a warm finger down my cheek, leaving a trail of sparks. “I like you even more.”
“You’re going to have to prove that to me,” my voice shook from the shivers he was giving me.
“Liking mangoes, or you?”
“Both.” It was my fantasy, after all, to meet a sexy man in the dried fruit aisle of Costco.
“Deal. Do you want to go to Costco tonight?” He didn’t skip a beat.
“I can’t. I promised Carmen I would go to yoga with her. She wants me to meet her parents’ next worst nightmare.”
Brandon cocked his head. “Next worst nightmare?”
“Yeah. She’s determined to only date men her parents hate.”
“That sounds like Carmen. Didn’t she run off with some wannabe rock star after high school?”
“Yep. His stage name was Tiger Eyes.”
Brandon chuckled.
“Thankfully, it didn’t last long. Tiger Eyes had roving eyes.”
“Unfortunately, her taste in men hasn’t gotten much better over the years, but apparently Marco is different. He’s a fellow yoga instructor.”
“So can anyone attend the yoga class?” Brandon asked, not so subtly.